
Should I stop giving my baby co-trimoxazole when I stop breastfeeding?

Hi, my child is 6 weeks old and we were given co-trimoxazole suspension because i’m breastfeeding. I want to stop breastfeeding her, should i stop giving her the medicine while I use formula?


Hi, how are you?

Congratulations on having a baby.

Co-trimoxazole is an antibiotic. It is used to prevent infections. You should give this to baby even if you are not breastfeeding.

Are you intending to keep baby on formula only when you switch? Mixed feeding is not recommended until at least 6 months old. Is baby on any other medication like Nevirapine? If they are they should continue taking this as well for as long as the doctor has said.



  1. Lik

    My baby is 1 year and 1 month, she had gone for 1 year hiv test but they said she tested negative but I use to see oral thrust around her mouth and her abdomen swollen. Am so confused right now coz I don’t know which to believe.

  2. Simon Collins

    Dear Kachifo, ask with your other questions, please ask your clinic these questions as recommendations vary in different countries and i-Base is in the UK.

  3. Kachifo

    Baby is on formula for now and not breastfeeding.

    At what month can i switch to mix feed?

    Baby took Nevirapine immediately after birth for six weeks.

    Baby is currently on co-triamaxole

  4. Simon Collins

    Dear Kachifo, please ask your clinic these questions as recommendations vary in different countries and i-Base is in the UK.

  5. Kachifo

    Baby is on formula for now, no breastfeeding.

    Can i switch to mix feeding at six months or seven?

    Baby took Nevirapine for six months immediately after birth.

    But now baby is only on co-triamaxole.

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Andiswa, no you do not need to stop giving baby co-trimoxazole until they are tested again.

    How long has baby been having stomach pains/diarrhoea? and how is baby being fed?

  7. Andiswa

    My child is 6 weeks old now she is on trimoxazole but the problem is she gets stomach pains and also diarrhea must I stop giving my baby before she gets tested again

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi AJ, yes you can give baby solids. After 6 months baby will have a developed tummy. Mixed feeding no longer causes any risk of transmission as baby’s tummy can handle the different types of food.

    There is no problem of giving baby solids while also on co-trimoxazole.

  9. AJ

    My child is 6 months old and on Cotri, and I’m thinking of starting to give her solids . Is it recommended to give her solids while on cotri or. When the health care worker told me that I should atleast start giving her solids at 10 months I didn’t understand. Because I’m only breastfeeding and not using even formula

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Fezile, congratulations on having a baby.

    These treatments do not mean baby is has HIV. Nevirapine is given for a few weeks after birth. This is to help reduce the risk of transmission from any risk baby may have had during pregnancy. It can also help with any risk from breastfeeding for the first few weeks.

    Co-trimoxazole is given when being breastfed. This is because even though HIV is not a risk, other infections may occur via breastfeeding when mum is HIV positive. This medication is used to prevent these infections and make breastfeeding safe.

    When baby stops breastfeeding they will be able to have a final HIV test to confirm their status.


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