Q and A


I have been losing weight while on ARVs, is there anything I can do?

Hi I’m Sheila, I’ve been on ARVs for 12 years now but I am truly depressed of the the way I’m losing body fat. I don’t want to look at myself in the mirror. Is there any other medicine I can use just to help me gain weight?


Hi Sheila, I am sorry to hear how depressed you are feeling. Have you been able to speak with anyone about this?

Have you been taking ARVs since you were diagnosed 12 years ago? and what combination are you taking? Some combinations of HIV medications have greater impacts on weight that others

Where have you lost weight from? Regaining weight can be difficult and unfortunately can take a while – just like it takes a while to lose the weight.

There are no medications to replace this lost weight, however that does not mean there are not things you can try.

Losing weight in the legs and arms, people can find success in building muscle where they have lost fat. If it is a generalised loss of weight have you increased how much food you are eating?

There are a number of factors that affect your weight, not all related to HIV. If you are stressed, very active, eating a little and even genetics can all influence your weight. If you are looking to increase how much food you are eating I have attached a guide to the i-base healthy lifestyle guide.

More specific sites of weight loss, namely the face can be read about here. While there are no medications, injections are available to recover lost definition in the face if this would be suitable for you.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sboch, what ARVs are you taking? and how much weight have you lost over how long?

  2. Sboch

    Im also concerns on how im loosing wait i hve been taking arvs for 4 years now

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sam, how much weight have you lost and over what time period? Has anything else changed in your life that could cause this weight loss e.g., increased stress, more exercise or eating less?

  4. Sam

    Me I’m using Tribuss tablets but for the first time I was okay and gaining weight but the I’m using it my weight down grade or its becoming down why?

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lydia, gaining weight is the same if you are taking HIV treatment or not. Gaining weight requires you to have an increased calorie intake and/or building muscle mass. What medication are you using?

  6. Lydia

    How.to gain weight while using medication

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Joseph, thanks – I am covering while Josh is on leave, so I don’t know the details of your post. Any unexplained weight loss of more than 5% over 6 months, or more than 10% over a year needs to be taken seriously by your doctor. If your patterns of diet and exercise have not changed, then there could be another medical cause. What does your doctor say?

  8. Joseph

    Hi josh
    My virus load has been controlled undetected for 9 years , cd4 always around 800 .
    So I don’t think my fat loss issues is related to virus control .
    Thanks for asking anyway.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Capote, how much weight have you lost in the last month? The combination of ARVs you are taking is associated more commonly with weight gain than loss. Has anything else in your life changed that could lead to weight loss e.g., increase in stress, eating less or being more active?

    How is your sleep? As you are taking dolutegravir in the evening this can impact your sleep. Is there a reason you are taking a split dose of dolutegravir? It is most often given as a single pill alongside lamivudine and tenofovir and is taken once a day.

  10. Capote

    Hi, my name is Capote. I have been on avr drugs for 3 months now, I discover I am loosing weight rapidly.
    I take dolutegravir/ Lamivudine/Tenofovir Disoproxil fumurate 300mg in the morning, and Dolutegravir Tablets 50mg at night.
    I discover I started losing weight about a month now.


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