
Is a negative test after three months accurate?

Hi, I had sex with a girl. Five weeks (37 days) after the exposure, I got HIV test and the result was negative. 91 days after exposure I got HIV test again for confirmation, the result is negative.

My questions are:

1. Does it mean that I am really HIV negative?

2. Should I get HIV test again next December 2007 (6 months after exposure)?


Yes, after this time the results are very accurate.

To question #1: Unless you had another exposure risk during the 91 days period, then yes, the test shows that you are HIV negative.

To question #2: In very rare cases it takes more than 40 days for the body to develop antibodies to HIV that can be picked up by the test. That is why it is a good idea to test again three months after the possible risk, even though the chances of a positive result then are very small.

This question was updated in January 2018 from an original answer posted in October 2007. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about testing and transmission – please see: Question 1 at this link for more information).


  1. Charlotte Walker

    Any unprotected sex with someone who is unaware of their status carries some risk. A test after 42 days will be accurate and is enough time. For more information please follow this link.

  2. kel

    I had sex with my boyfriend once without a condom and haven’t since because I started to think he had HIV and I accused him of it. Now we broke up I am going to get tested is 42 days long enough to get results and did I really put myself at risk with the one time?

  3. Charlotte Walker

    You can believe these results. You do not have HIV.


    I had sex with a prostitute 80 days ago. I used condom but after two weeks I had fever, mild headache and a mild sore throat for upto one month. 45 days after exposure I took an HIV I and II test. It was negative. I took another ELISA test for HIV I and II 80 days later and it was also negative. Can I believe these results? Please advise me as soon as possible.

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Please see the answer to this similar question

  6. Sabastian

    Even if i am in the window period when I have a p24 antigen plus antibody test will the test show if I am positive?

  7. Charlotte Walker

    Thank you for your question.

    There are several possible explanations of why your test is now HIV positive:
    1. It is a very rare but possible false positive test result. This means it is even more important that you go for a second confirmatory test
    2. Your infection is not because of unprotected sexual transmission but due to sharing of needles or blood transmission
    3. Your boyfriend and the other girl are lying about their negative HIV test
    4. You were infected before you got together with your boyfriend but were not tested at that time

    The list could go on. However, the most important thing to focus on now is your health and your baby’s health. If your second HIV test is also positive then you need to get a CD4 count and viral load test. Having done this you need to discuss with your doctor the options of treatment to ensure that your baby does not get HIV and that you remain healthy during the pregnancy.

    For more information please follow this link to our guide on ‘HIV, pregnancy and women’s health‘. If you have anymore questions please do contact us again.

    Good luck with starting a family!

  8. Motshegoa

    I’ve been testing HIV negative for the past 4 years and been sleeping with my boyfriend for those years. This year I tested HIV positive after falling pregnant. My boyfriend told me that he cheated on me and slept with 2 girls excluding me without a condom. They all tested and it came out negative. This is confusing because I cannot be HIV positive as he is the only person I’ve slept with and I have never cheated on him. His doctor told me to test again but what are the chances that I might test negative because now he is questioning the fact that I cheated on him. Please help

  9. Charlotte Walker

    If you tested negative for HIV after 3 months then again after 5 months you do not have HIV.

    For more information on HIV transmission and testing please follow this link.

  10. John


    I put myself at risk of HIV infection. I took a HIV test 3 months later and 5 and a half months later. Now I read here that I should have waited 6 months? This has set my anxiety back to its worst state.

    Is 5.5 months sufficient?
