
Is a negative test after three months accurate?

Hi, I had sex with a girl. Five weeks (37 days) after the exposure, I got HIV test and the result was negative. 91 days after exposure I got HIV test again for confirmation, the result is negative.

My questions are:

1. Does it mean that I am really HIV negative?

2. Should I get HIV test again next December 2007 (6 months after exposure)?


Yes, after this time the results are very accurate.

To question #1: Unless you had another exposure risk during the 91 days period, then yes, the test shows that you are HIV negative.

To question #2: In very rare cases it takes more than 40 days for the body to develop antibodies to HIV that can be picked up by the test. That is why it is a good idea to test again three months after the possible risk, even though the chances of a positive result then are very small.

This question was updated in January 2018 from an original answer posted in October 2007. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about testing and transmission – please see: Question 1 at this link for more information).


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry that i-base no longer answer individual questions about the risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This is because information on both these subjects are now online in two resources:

    Your questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Also this detailed and easy to read guide:

  2. Dyesha

    I got a HIV test at 2 months after unprotected sex and it came back negative. I also got another test at 4 months and it also came back negative. I’m worrying myself sick is my test result accurate?

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi John,

    It is unlikely that you have HIV- 95% of test results are accurate after 28 days. You can take another test after 90 days for 100% confirmation.

  4. john

    I had an unprotected encounter a while back, a while later I developed a rash on my forehead for a couple weeks and a serious sinus infection. I did get antibiotics and a shot in case I caught an STD a week before. I tested negative about three weeks later for HIV with a send in HIV express test. I tested negative a month later with the same test. I then tested negative a week later with a labratoryblood test. I am losing weight now unexpectedly and have been depressed and scared to death. Am I just freaking out? I never had issues like this before and it has to be coming from somewhere, please help

  5. Charlotte Walker

    Yes, from what you have told me, I think you are negative. HIV is a slow progressing infection in most people but tests can pick up an infection very early on, sometimes as early as 2-3 weeks after exposure, whether there are symptoms or not? If someone is HIV positive their body will start to make antibodies after about 3 weeks.

    I am so sorry to hear what happened to you. I hope that putting the fear of HIV behind you will help towards your recovery. Good luck in the future.

  6. scared4mylife

    I know I have been talking with a therapist since it happend, she diagnosed me with PTSD and every little thing gives me flashbacks of that night :( I am not the type of person to have sex with random people and it kills me that a creature like that would do something so horrendous to me but i got tested like 4 months after and then is 7 1/2 months. I’m just scared since it’s such a slow disease and i’m so young that it wouldn’t be able to to identify the HIV antibodies.

    The stress alone is causing my body to do weird things. Everyday I think about it, Everyday I have flashbacks and my whole life changed in the matter of hours. Just by you saying you do not have HIV makes me cry (good tears). Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart for writing me back. I kept checking everyday if you said anything back. You think I’m negative right?

  7. Charlotte Walker

    If you have had several HIV tests and they are all negative then you do not have HIV. The cuts on your lips are not related to HIV. Being raped is a horrendous thing to have happened to you. It is understandable that you are worried about HIV and noticing every little thing on your body that changes. You really need some support. Have you got anyone to talk to about your experiences? It might help if you seek some professional counselling. That way you can put your ordeal behind you and try to move on. If you would like me to put you in contact with a specialised support service which can help then please do let me know. Best wishes.

  8. Scared4mylife

    I had unprotected sex on June 29th 2008. I got tested on November 15th 2008 and then agian on February 15th 2009, all were negative. I keep getting cuts on my lip, am I at risk? I don’t want to die and it was only once, I was raped and I’m scared. Every little thing on my body that changes, scare me. I need some relief, please help :(

  9. Charlotte Walker

    Yes, this result means you do not have HIV.

  10. Izzy

    I had unprotected with a woman around mid August 2009 and had HIV test done in mid December 2009. Roughly counting 4 months had pased when I did this test and the result was negative.

    After waiting this long and get the test done and with the result being negative is that good enough to say I not infected with HIV?