
Is a negative test after three months accurate?

Hi, I had sex with a girl. Five weeks (37 days) after the exposure, I got HIV test and the result was negative. 91 days after exposure I got HIV test again for confirmation, the result is negative.

My questions are:

1. Does it mean that I am really HIV negative?

2. Should I get HIV test again next December 2007 (6 months after exposure)?


Yes, after this time the results are very accurate.

To question #1: Unless you had another exposure risk during the 91 days period, then yes, the test shows that you are HIV negative.

To question #2: In very rare cases it takes more than 40 days for the body to develop antibodies to HIV that can be picked up by the test. That is why it is a good idea to test again three months after the possible risk, even though the chances of a positive result then are very small.

This question was updated in January 2018 from an original answer posted in October 2007. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about testing and transmission – please see: Question 1 at this link for more information).


  1. Rebecca McDowall

    Hello Lucy,

    I am very sorry to hear about this incident which must have been very traumatic for you. Forced sexual intercourse is a crime. Have you reported this to the police, or told anybody else?

    If you have seen that the man who had sex with you had a negative test result it is very unlikely you have been infected by him. The only way to be sure about your own HIV status is to get tested though.

    Please follow this link for more information about HIV testing.

  2. lucy

    I had unprotected sex with a stanger,he forced me to bed .I have been worried,I called to ask if he is HIV free he said YES,,2 weeks later he called and said he is close to my school,then I forced and followed him to a nearby hospital for HIV test,the result came out 15mins and he was negetive,,does that mean am safe? Its been up to a month now, or should I go for a test? Plz am so confused

  3. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Information online
    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

    Worried about HIV?
    If you are worried about a possible infection contact your local testing centre.
    In the UK you can find your nearest clinic using the NHS website:

    Understanding HIV test results:
    If you do not understand results from an HIV test, please contact the centre where you were tested.

    Worried about symptoms?
    If you are concerned about any symptoms please contact a doctor.

  4. raj

    I’m 32 year male i had sex with sex worker with condom but before that i had oral sex with her on date 16 april and after 1 week i have burn on my penis suddenly i have piles after that i have small red spots on tip round my penis i should to MD Doc after 26th May i test HIV 1 and 2, vdrl test and urine culture both test came negative only in urine some small infection was there

    Today is 13th June my urine is normal but i have sore throat

    Could u please tell i have HIV yes or no

  5. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.
    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

  6. rhona

    i have bleeding gums and a broken teeth from and accident that i was in i kiss a guy and not sure if i am hiv positive can u help?

  7. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.
    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

  8. Fawad

    i did unprotect sex above then 75day ago
    but i did hiv test its came neagtive
    from last two weeks i have sore thorts but i did the test its negative still i am on risk or is there any other disese

  9. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry that i-base no longer answer individual questions about the risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This is because information on both these subjects are now online in two resources:

    Your questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Also this detailed and easy to read guide:

  10. jamella

    I had unprotected sex in Oct and from then till Dec and the last time was the start of January. I tested for HIV in march the 27. It was neg does that mean am still neg after I heard he’s positive?