
Is a negative test after three months accurate?

Hi, I had sex with a girl. Five weeks (37 days) after the exposure, I got HIV test and the result was negative. 91 days after exposure I got HIV test again for confirmation, the result is negative.

My questions are:

1. Does it mean that I am really HIV negative?

2. Should I get HIV test again next December 2007 (6 months after exposure)?


Yes, after this time the results are very accurate.

To question #1: Unless you had another exposure risk during the 91 days period, then yes, the test shows that you are HIV negative.

To question #2: In very rare cases it takes more than 40 days for the body to develop antibodies to HIV that can be picked up by the test. That is why it is a good idea to test again three months after the possible risk, even though the chances of a positive result then are very small.

This question was updated in January 2018 from an original answer posted in October 2007. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about testing and transmission – please see: Question 1 at this link for more information).


  1. Simon Collins

    later lab tests are more accurate. If these are negative, this is more likely to be the real result. i-Base cannot interpret test results though – this has to come from the test centre or doctor. The test in a few month time is to check for more recent infections – ie within the last two months.

  2. Nicole

    Just did an hiv test, the first test came out positive which made the lab technologist to draw out more blood to do a thorough test, he ended up doing four more test, although i don’t know the methods he used but he said the 5th test is more accurate and supersedes the four previous tests, so tested negative to the last test, in all the test 3 came out positive and two came out negative, so am ask to come back in two months time, am scared, is there a possibility i can come out negative? And why am i having conflicting results?

  3. venkat

    My last possible exposure was on may 2015, but the rapid test result that i did on may 2016 shows i am negative. should i trust the result ???

  4. Simon Collins

    this service is about HIV so pls speak to your doctor.

  5. lindo

    I need your help I have a sore throat and lost appetite and visibility of veins to my legs and arms and I have tested negative what do you think maybe the cause I’m really worried about my health I even developed a rash to my body

  6. Simon Collins

    Hi Stephen

    please see this FAQ page on risk and testing.

  7. Stephen

    I had exposure to unprotected sex about 56 days ago,i waited until the 28th days n went for a test….they took my blood sample and they put it on a strip and it became it negative….i wasnt still not sure and still waited again until the 52th day and i went through the same procedure and it came back negative…..please what is the possiblity that i am still negative because i have been reading much online saying that i still need to wait until after the 3months…please what is the possibility that i might be positive at the 90th day of my window period…please help me because it is really eating me up.Thanks

  8. Roy Trevelion

    Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your positive test. This time can be a tough time for most people.

    But, yes you can test again to confirm it 90 days after exposure. Testing positive can be worrying but modern HIV treatment is safe and effective. Many people can live healthy and long lives on HIV treatment.

    You can ask at the clinic for support while you wait for the test for confirmation.

    And if you live in South Africa you can contact TAC. TAC stands for the Treatment Action Campaign. This is the largest HIV positive support organisation in South Africa and they were responsible for the drive to get HIV treatment available in SA.

    The main office is in Cape Town, but there are support groups and branches across the country, including in Jo’burg.

    They also publish an excellent newsletter every three months, called “Equal Treatment”. This is available in English, Xhosa, Zulu and Tsonga.

  9. Gladys

    I had exposure 37 days ago. I have tested HIV positive, I don’t know what to do. My CD4 count is 418, what must I do? Must I go to another clinic to confirm? I don’t believe it.

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Ash,

    I’m sorry to hear you tested HIV positive. This can be a tough time for everybody.

    But it’s very important that you go to see the doctor about your suicidal thoughts. Can you get to see them quickly? It’s important that you have support as soon as possible.

    Many people now go on HIV treatment after getting a positive result. And they have healthy lives that can go on for as long as someone who tests negative.

    You can ask the doctor or the clinic for these support services to help get you through this difficult time. Do they have support services?