
Is a negative test after three months accurate?

Hi, I had sex with a girl. Five weeks (37 days) after the exposure, I got HIV test and the result was negative. 91 days after exposure I got HIV test again for confirmation, the result is negative.

My questions are:

1. Does it mean that I am really HIV negative?

2. Should I get HIV test again next December 2007 (6 months after exposure)?


Yes, after this time the results are very accurate.

To question #1: Unless you had another exposure risk during the 91 days period, then yes, the test shows that you are HIV negative.

To question #2: In very rare cases it takes more than 40 days for the body to develop antibodies to HIV that can be picked up by the test. That is why it is a good idea to test again three months after the possible risk, even though the chances of a positive result then are very small.

This question was updated in January 2018 from an original answer posted in October 2007. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about testing and transmission – please see: Question 1 at this link for more information).


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Robinhood,

    Please see question one here:

  2. Robinhood

    I had unprotected sex on the 15/2/2016 I did a test on the 10/3/2016 and it was negative. My doctor told me to do another after 3 months. I wait 6, then tested. The result was negative. Am I ok?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Roshan,

    Please see question one here:

  4. roshan

    Sir 1st I test HIV in one months its negetive after 86 days I test 2nd its also negetive after 10 months again I test HIV again I got negative that’s means I m totally negetive sir my problem is that I loss of appite or loss weight 3 kg in 10 months give me suggested please

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi arpana,

    Please see the following link about transmission and testing:

  6. arpana

    Good morning. I had unprotected oral sex with a male (circumsized) whose HIV status i am unaware of. I am a female and he ejaculated in my mouth. I spitted it out quickly but i am not sure whether i could have swallowed some semen or not. we did not have sex, only oral sex. I did HIV type 1 and 2 tests after 1 month and 2 month including all STDs tests and i tested Non-Reactive for the HIV and negative for all STD. However it is only now (after the 2 months of exposure) that i am having some swollen lymph nodes in my armpits with a burning sensation. Is it possible that i am having some symptoms now? what are the odds of getting HIV from such an incident?

  7. Simon Collins

    This is a question to ask the blood donation service.

  8. Michael

    I would like to ask whether can I donate blood if the result of my HIV test is negative after 3 months of exposure

  9. Simon Collins
  10. Mohammed

    Dears I had oral sex on 3- March 2016 with woman then after one month I carried dead bleeding body with cut in my finger , on 1- June I had Elfa Ab\Ag Test which came back negative , then after one month I had pcr test which came back + then after 140 days from the oral sex and 104 days from the dead body I had rapid test twice which came back negative , after that I repeated the Elfa test after 148,113 days after the two events need help plz