Q and A


What is Ranega?

Is Ranega an ARV or PEP/PrEP?


Hi, how are you?

Ranega is a generic version of TLD.

TLD is a medication used as both ARV (ART) and PEP. This is because TLD is a combination of 3 drugs that work to treat HIV. The same medication used to treat HIV is also used in PEP.

TLD is a first line recommendation for both ART and PEP.

TLD is not used as PrEP. PrEP only contains 2 drugs, instead of TLD which contains 3. Though they may use similar drugs.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anna, Ranega is used to treat and/or prevent HIV.

    More information about Ranega (TLD) can be found here: https://i-base.info/guides/14970

  2. Anna

    Hi..is this ranega for HIV ,does it protect from getting HIV?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Anonymous, coughing is not a side effect of Ranega. If this is ongoing/gets worse please speak with your doctor about other possible causes.

  4. Anonymous

    Hi everyone

    Some advice here please, does this Ranega pills make you cough.
    I have been coughing cat and dogs since been on the medication 5 days ago.
    Is that a side effect or not?

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Maria, How is your partner doing? Are they able to access treatment and care? How did they react?

    PEP is not recommended after 72 ours so please talk to your doctor about they they gave you this. Pls see this link for more info:

  6. Maria

    Dear Josh
    I tested with my partner december and we both tested negative and had unprotected sex and felt pregnant dan January he moved to another province for work, he had sex there in February and came back to me. In March we had unprotected sex and after 7 days he tested positive and I started prep after 7 days not 72 hours i tested negetive but it still early. So I’m checking if this TLD pills can help me even if it 7 days after exposure? Or im wasting my time. Does the sperm contains virus?


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