Q and A


I took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening.

I accidentally took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening. Is that a problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Did you not take the morning dose? and instead you only had Paxlovid in the evening?

As with most medication, this is likely to be fine. Continue taking your medication when you were originally meant to.

If you notice any side effects/unexpected symptoms please speak to a pharmacist/doctor.

Also, are you HIV positive? This Q&A information service is only for people living with HIV.



  1. Sharon

    I took my first dose ( morning dose) at 5:30 pm before reading all instructions. What should I do for my second dose?

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Linda, yes this is acceptable. As you took this first dose later anyway the second dose was always going to be close to the first.

    It is fine to take the next dose at 7 and then continue with a 7am/pm schedule for the remainder of the course.

  3. Linda

    I got my prescription of paxlovie at 2pm and took the first dose right away. My doctor said to wait unti 10 pm to take the second dose, but I’m not sure i can stay up that late. Can I take the second dose at 7pm, then get on a 7am/7pm schedule?

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dolores, it is advised that Paxlovid is taken every 12 hours however I recognise that continuing with a 5:30am dose for the next 5 days may be difficult.

    If you want to push back the time of your Paxlovid dose it would be okay to move it to 7:30am and then continue with 7:30pm and am for the remaining doses. The 2 hours delay is not going to impact how well the treatment works.

  5. Dolores

    Hi I took my first dose at 5:30 pm
    n do I take the second at 5:30 am

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Felica, as with any skin reaction you should speak with your doctor.

    How long after taking Paxlovid did you notice this rash? and have you noticed any problems with your breathing?

    Do not take one dose a day as this will not be effective treatment. It is best to speak with your doctor and discuss how best to move forward and if you need Paxlovid and/or if these side effects can be managed.

  7. Felicia

    I have a rash from plaxcovid shoukd I stop.it.completed or take 1 dose a day

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marianne, as you have started Paxlovid at 1:30pm this will be considered your morning dose. It is then okay to have your evening dose at 8:00pm.

    From this point you can then continue taking Paxlovid every 12 hours to complete the course of treatment. Having the initial dose closer than 12 hours is not going to cause any problems and as this is an evening dose, you will sleep through any additional side effects from the slightly higher level of Paxlovid than normal that will be in your body.

  9. Marianne

    If I start Paxlovid at !:30PM today can I take the second dose at 8:00 AM when I wake up?

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marjorie, no you did not need to wait. It is okay to start Paxlovid on an evening dose instead of the morning.

    It just means that you will finish on a morning dose instead of an evening dose which is fine.


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