Q and A


I took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening.

I accidentally took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening. Is that a problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Did you not take the morning dose? and instead you only had Paxlovid in the evening?

As with most medication, this is likely to be fine. Continue taking your medication when you were originally meant to.

If you notice any side effects/unexpected symptoms please speak to a pharmacist/doctor.

Also, are you HIV positive? This Q&A information service is only for people living with HIV.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Leela, Paxlovid should be taken for the full course. Stopping early can lead to your symptoms returning and Paxlovid being less effective the next time.

  2. Leela

    Can I safely stop taking Paxlovid before the 5 day period is up? They have already stopped my symptoms in their tracks.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dianne, the morning and evening doses are the same. They both have the same drugs. They are divided into morning and evening to help make it clear this is how they are to be taken. As long as he had a dose in the morning and a dose in the evening, Paxlovid will work.

  4. Dianne

    My husband took the first days dose of Paxlovid correctly as I gave and mentioned to him, then I left him to take the next 4 days. He apparently randomly took 3 morning and night, not noticing the color coding on the back of the package or able to read the fine print on the package. He has improved greatly, however my question is whether or not the treatment has worked completely. I suspect that although the two ingredients work together, perhaps there was enough in his system from dose to dose to achieve desired results.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Christina, the morning and evening doses are the same. There is no problem in giving your son the morning dose in the evening. Just make sure to use the next evening dose in the morning to avoid further confusion. Or you can use all of the morning doses in the evening and vice versa if this is easier. As long as they are having an evening dose and a morning dose, it does not matter which your son is given.

  6. Christina

    Hi my question is I gave my son on accidentally the morning dose of paxlovid instead of the evening

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Rachel, are you HIV positive? You don’t mention this but this website is only for people living with HIV? All meds should be used as they are prescribed so it sounds like you have finished the course. Please contact your doctor if you are still worried. Thanks.

  8. Rachel

    I took my evening dose at 11:00 ,o’clock at night thats my last of 5 days is that ok

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Connie, you do not need to be concerned. The morning and evening doses are the same. They are only split to make sure that they are taken at these times. You can take a morning dose in the evening and it will not effect treatment.

  10. Connie

    This morning I took my evening package. Then this evening I took my evening package. I realized when I looked at the remaining packs I took two evening packs today and no morning.

    The dosage seem to be the same, should I be concerned? I will get on my right schedule in the morning.


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