Q and A


I took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening.

I accidentally took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening. Is that a problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Did you not take the morning dose? and instead you only had Paxlovid in the evening?

As with most medication, this is likely to be fine. Continue taking your medication when you were originally meant to.

If you notice any side effects/unexpected symptoms please speak to a pharmacist/doctor.

Also, are you HIV positive? This Q&A information service is only for people living with HIV.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lucy, you can start with the evening dose. This just means you will end your course with a morning dose rather than an evening. This will not effect how the treatment works.

  2. Lucy

    I just received my paxlovid at 4pm which does should I take? Should I start with one and resume correctly tomorrow?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Linda, yes this is fine. This will not change how Paxlovid works.

  4. Linda

    I took the morning dose at the evening time so do I just take the morning one’s to catch up on the evening dose

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Jack, yes the medication will still work. The morning and evening doses are the same. As long as you took a dose in the morning and the evening, it does not matter what time the medication was assigned.

  6. Jack

    I accidentally mixed up the Morning and evening doses . Will themedicine still work?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Randy, yes you can start Paxlovid in the evening. You can start with the evening dose that has been prescribed. There should be 3 tablets for the evening and 3 for the morning.

  8. Randy

    Can you start you out plalovid percription in the evening and what dosage should you take

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Elaine, taking Paxlovid at 11pm is okay.

  10. Elaine

    i was just given paxlovid i’m taking the night dosage at 11 pm is that ok .


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