Q and A


I took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening.

I accidentally took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening. Is that a problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Did you not take the morning dose? and instead you only had Paxlovid in the evening?

As with most medication, this is likely to be fine. Continue taking your medication when you were originally meant to.

If you notice any side effects/unexpected symptoms please speak to a pharmacist/doctor.

Also, are you HIV positive? This Q&A information service is only for people living with HIV.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Marisol, take your morning dose as normal. You can extend the duration of Paxlovid so you take this additional dose after your original dose is complete.

    The morning and evening doses are the same. It does not matter what time you take each. Take this missed dose 12 hours after your last dose of your remaining packet.

  2. Marisol Gonzalez

    I forgot to take my nighttime dose. Which dose I should take after?

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sandra, to be clear you missed only one evening or morning dose? You didn’t miss both doses on the same day. Missing this single dose is unlikely to effect how well the treatment works. Make sure to take all of the tablets. This will mean extending the course of Paxlovid by one additional dose to catch up. How are you feeling now?

  4. Sandra

    I missed an entire dose at 12 hours so 24 hours had passed until I took the next dose. (Day 4 – 2nd dose missed)
    Will it still work? I’m high risk but did have fairly mild symptoms eg bad headache & 101.4 fever with chills the first day – day two (only) cough – day 3 a significant sore throat that lasted 5 days…

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lisa, yes you can do this.

  6. Lisa

    I took my first dose at 1:45 pm can I take my next dose at 10:00 pm and start normal in morning

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Judy, the doses/pills are the same for morning and night. They are only packaged as morning and night to help people to remember when to take them. Mixing them up is not going to risk how the treatment works.

  8. Judy

    I took two morning pills at night and two pink in the am.

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lee, what time did you take your am dose?

  10. Lee

    Took am dose at
    Must I wait to 10pm or can I take nite dose at 9?


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