Q and A


I took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening.

I accidentally took the morning dose of Paxlovid in the evening. Is that a problem?


Hi, how are you doing?

Did you not take the morning dose? and instead you only had Paxlovid in the evening?

As with most medication, this is likely to be fine. Continue taking your medication when you were originally meant to.

If you notice any side effects/unexpected symptoms please speak to a pharmacist/doctor.

Also, are you HIV positive? This Q&A information service is only for people living with HIV.



  1. Lou

    I just got my script filled and took my first dose( morning)at 2:45 pm.
    Do I have to wait until 2:45 am to take the evening? Or can i take the evening around 11 am to get on normal schedule?

  2. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Pameka, yes you should start taking the 3 together as listed. They need to be taken as one drug will improve how the other works. Taking them separately prevents Paxlovid from working as well as it should.

    What leftovers will you have. You should aim to complete the course taking as many together as a 3 as you can. With any remaining tablets you have at the end you can discuss with your phamarcist if you need an additional tablet to complete the course, or if you can stop and dispose of the extras.

  3. Pameka

    I got mixed up and starting taking just one tablet. I’m on third day. 3 Norma’s and 2 rito. But one pill at a time. What to do? I am actually feeling better. Should I just get on the right schedule of three as listed? What to do with leftovers? Thanks.

  4. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Joan, no you do not need to go to the hopsital. To clarify you took the second dose of Paxlovid at 4:30pm, only 4 hours after the first dose?

    If this it the case skip the evening dose that is scheduled for the evening. Then continue with 12:30pm at 12 hour intervals as intended. Or you can use this as a chance to switch to a different time e.g., 10am and 10pm.

  5. Joann

    I took my morning dose at 12:30 this afternoon and was supposed to take it at 12:30 AM but I took it by mistake at 4:30 only 4 hours apart so I have to go to the hospital I am so scared

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Angela, yes take the other dose at 11pm. From this point you should then continue to take your treatment at 11am and 11pm. This ensures the treatment will always be taken 12 hours apart for the duration of the course.

  7. Angela

    Took moring medicine at 2pm can I take the other at 11pm

  8. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Elizabeth, no this will not have. negative effect. Your morning and evening doses are the same. They are labelled differently to ensure that you take them at these times.

    Paxlovid should be taken at 12 hour intervals e.g., 7:30am and 7:30pm. Leaving only a 7 hour gap is too short a time because the following dose will require a 17 hour gap at which point Paxlovid is no longer active in the body.

  9. Elizabeth

    Hi, I took my evening medication at 12:15 pm and my morning at 7:30 pm. Switched time it was my first day with Paxlovid. Will it have any negative effect on me?

  10. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Debi, today it would be best to take just one.

    Paxlovid is best taken at 12 hour intervals. For this reason take the evening dose at a time you would like to continue your treatment e.g., 9pm. From this point you can continue taking treatment at 9am and 9pm until you are done with the course.

    Taking the additional morning dose this morning means there would not be 12 hours between doses and though unlikely to be any harm, waiting a few hours to take the course as recommended would be more beneficial.


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