Are D17/H pills PEP?
6 July 2022. Related: All topics, PEP/PEPSE.
Hello, my questions is:
I was possibly exposed to HIV through sex, and the next morning I went to hospital (a centre for HIV treatment) for PEP. The doctor gave me some pills (D17 on one side and H on the other side). I was in such a panic that I didn’t ask the name.
Is there anyone who knows it’s name? Please send me the answer even via email I will appreciate it.
Thank you
Hi, how are you doing?
I do not recognise D17/H as identifiers for HIV medication. Though there are a number of different companies that make the same drug but they all look different.
Have you looked at our ARV guide? You might be able to identify your own medication by looking through this.
If you are having trouble figuring out which medication you have, you can take it to a pharmacist and they will be able to help.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Nicholas, as mentioned in the main question I do not recognise D17/H as medication for HIV. Are you able to talk to your pharmacist about what the name of this medication is?
I went to public hospital after 48hours of exposure due to unprotected sex then I was given this tablets written D17 on one side then written H on the other So I was wondering is this a Right PEP for my Situation
Hi Faith, do you have a question about these pills?
The shock I’ve gotten inside there today I’m even confused. They’ve given me same same drugs H/D17 pills
Hi Coco, as written in the main answer to this question I do not recognise D17/H as an identifier for HIV medication. Have you been told anything more about this medication when you were given it? Or are they in a box/bottle with their name on it?
If you are still unsure about this treatments name, please return to the pharmacy where you were given it and they will be able to tell you it’s name. They will also help in figuring out if this is suitable PEP.
Hello I was also given the same drugs D17/H as peps after I had sex with a person of I am uncertain of his status..but there’s no clear info about the drugs being pep I’m tensed..I need advice should I continue taking the drugs
Hi Nyasha, please see the answer to the main question on this thread.
What is D17 tablet
Hi Right, if you are unsure of what pills you have it is best to return it to the pharmacist where you got it. They will be able to tell you what the pill is.
Yeah I have one pills behind me I don’t know d17/h