Are D17/H pills PEP?
6 July 2022. Related: All topics, PEP/PEPSE.
Hello, my questions is:
I was possibly exposed to HIV through sex, and the next morning I went to hospital (a centre for HIV treatment) for PEP. The doctor gave me some pills (D17 on one side and H on the other side). I was in such a panic that I didn’t ask the name.
Is there anyone who knows it’s name? Please send me the answer even via email I will appreciate it.
Thank you
Hi, how are you doing?
I do not recognise D17/H as identifiers for HIV medication. Though there are a number of different companies that make the same drug but they all look different.
Have you looked at our ARV guide? You might be able to identify your own medication by looking through this.
If you are having trouble figuring out which medication you have, you can take it to a pharmacist and they will be able to help.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Melody
Health information is private and people have the right to confidentiality about health care.
It is better to talk to someone about any concerns you have for them.
Whether of not this happens if related to many things.
Ihiw madam / sir i found the D17 ,H tablets inside my husband clothes like he was hiding them what are those D17H for? And first time I found the tablets LTD. m the other side is written Ltd the other one m why are LTD M pills for? Pla help me
Hi Faith, is your boyfriend HIV positive? and if he is, is he on treatment and does he know his viral load?
As your doctor has prescribed you PEP, you should take D17H at the same time each day for the duration of the course. PEP is usually given for 28 days.
More information about PEP can be found here:
I went to the hospital yesterday and I was give D 17 H cox I slept with my boyfriend without protection and the doctor said that if I drink it around 6:00 am and I should take it again 6:00 am the next day is that true or I did not listen properly
Hi Nonhlanhla, what were you bitten by? and were you told what they are trying to prevent by giving you PrEP?
PrEP is a treatment used to prevent HIV BEFORE exposure. PEP is a medication used after an exposure for 28 days. PEP contains 3 drugs whereas PrEP only contains 2.
As mentioned in the main question, I do not recognise D17/H as an identifier for a medication. Were you told the name when they gave it to you? or are you able to discuss with your pharmacist?
Hi i was bite by sister and i went to hospital and they gave me the pills PreP but they marked with D17/H is that right or not
Hi Jakenya, your partners treatment centre are correct. Your partner cannot pass on HIV. As they are undetectable it is impossible to pass on HIV.
This is called U=U:
PEP will still be effective if used again as a separate course. Have you considered PrEP before? This is a medication similar to PEP but is taken BEFORE an exposure and is more effective at preventing transmission. It can be taken daily or only when you are having sex. You are then not required to take a full 30 day course of treatment after each exposure.
Hello sir! I had a condom failure with a hiv partner, Immediately we tested and she was positive, I took a pep for one month and tested negative after 3 months of exposure. After about 2 weeks I got another partner who told me about her hiv positive and undetected but we insisted on condom. Unfortunately as I was trying to withdraw after ejaculation the condom slipped off and remained inside her. After removing it I was worried, she called her treatment centre and they told me not to worry that she can’t infect me. They however advised that I should take pep for the sake of anxiety but they were sure I can’t get infected. Question, am I safe? Secondly can pep work in a span of two months difference from the previous one? Kindly advise.
Hi Carol, please see the answer to the main question on this thread. Have you asked your friend about this?
I found in my wallet of my best friend H D17 what for