Are D17/H pills PEP?
6 July 2022. Related: All topics, PEP/PEPSE.
Hello, my questions is:
I was possibly exposed to HIV through sex, and the next morning I went to hospital (a centre for HIV treatment) for PEP. The doctor gave me some pills (D17 on one side and H on the other side). I was in such a panic that I didn’t ask the name.
Is there anyone who knows it’s name? Please send me the answer even via email I will appreciate it.
Thank you
Hi, how are you doing?
I do not recognise D17/H as identifiers for HIV medication. Though there are a number of different companies that make the same drug but they all look different.
Have you looked at our ARV guide? You might be able to identify your own medication by looking through this.
If you are having trouble figuring out which medication you have, you can take it to a pharmacist and they will be able to help.
Please see this link for more information about PEP:
Hi Marwan, thanks for this. There are so many different generics formulations that all have different names. Do you know the name of the manufacturer of this version with D17? Also the marketing name for this version. We include lots of these here:
Yes, the pills marked “D17” on one side and “H” on the other are indeed used for HIV post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP).
These pills contain a combination of three medications:
Dolutegravir, Lamivudine, and Tenofovir, collectively known as TLD.
This combination is commonly prescribed as part of PEP regimens to prevent HIV infection after potential exposure.
It’s important to take the medication exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider to ensure its effectiveness.
pls see this link:
D17/H dose it treat hiv/aids
Hi Francel, please read the answer to the main question.
For more information about transmission see here:
Hi…am Francel miga intsea i slept with a girl that i bounce in the club with out Condon…the next think i fund coming out off her bag it the D17/H pills…so am very worried is it the HIV treatment or i don’t know what is it for? Please help me
Hi Boris, thanks, perhpas try to be more careful for the rest of the PEP course. More info on PEP is here:
I had an unprotected intercourse with a girl and because of anxiety I started pep medication after 60 hours of the incident but while taking my first dosage,I accidentally crushed it while it was in my mouth.should I be worried
Hi Nancy, please talk to your doctor if you are having pains. It is not good to take any other sort of medicine or supplement without your docotr knowing about this.
Hi please help a sister i was passing on my own I saw a lady selling suppliment com to me an I told her I was having a pain in my bones she gave me D17/H and I was taking it,a friend of mine saw it and ask if am Hiv positive am shock pls I need help….