Q and A


Is my HIV negative partner at risk?

I’m HIV positive and my partner is negative. We have been engaging in unprotected sex for some months. I was diagnosed with retrograde ejaculation previously and have appointment with urologist next month.

Is she at risk of infection? She was told to retest after 3 months.


Hi, how are you doing?

How low is your viral load? If it is below 200/undetectable there is no chance of this. This is because you would be unable to pass on HIV to your boyfriend. This is explained by U=U.

If you have a greater viral load than this, retrograde ejaculation means you are having a dry orgasm. This can reduce risk of transmission.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Malesela, this is a very good viral load. It means that your medication is working. You cannot pass on HIV to your partner via sex.

  2. Malesela

    Good day,

    My viral load is at 74…


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