
My friend has stopped taking her medication. What can I do?

A friend of mine has now stopped drinking her ARV. It has been a month now that she stopped. I tried talking to her, arranged counselling for her but nothing helps. My fear is that she is on line-three medication and if she decides to start drinking the medication again now it will not work. She refuses to go to a doctor/psychologist/councillor. I’m worried that her health will start to deteriorate seeing that HIV multiplies everyday if not drinking ARV.


Hi, how are you doing?

I am sorry to hear about your friend. Is there a reason she has decided to stop her ARVs?

Does she understand that stopping her medication is going to cause problems with her health? and does she know what her current CD4 count/viral load is?

Does she have family around her? and how long has she been HIV positive?

Sorry for the questions, it is just best to build a picture.

Is there family around her also?



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Ndluvo, I am sorry to hear that you are having difficulties with your friend. This must be challenging.

    It is difficult to offer more support. As i-base is UK based and not a doctor inc charge of your friends care we are limited. Where are you based? In SA there is a charity called TAC that is similar to i-base and may have more appropriate support to offer:

    I can imagine it is hard, but continuing to support your friend alongside her family is the best thing that you can do.

  2. Ndluvo

    Hi. No reason at all. She has no reason.

    Yes she does as she had relapsed twice before hence she is now on Line 3 ARV medication.

    No she doesn’t know what her Viral Load and cd4 count is now as she refuse to go for blood test.

    Yes she has family and me that is supporting her.

    Yes there is family around her.


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