
Do I have to take Luvigen in the morning?

I want to know is it only mornings that you can take Luvigen?


Hi, how are you doing?

Luvigen is a generic combination of TLD. This means that it contains dolutegravir. It is recommended to take Luvigen in the morning because dolutegravir can stop you sleeping.

Taking it in the morning means this side effect wears off by the time you go to bed.

You can move the time you take Luvigen, but it is possible it will affect how you sleep.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Siwer, it is great that you are doing well with Luvigen. Do you have any concerns about taking Luvigen?

  2. Siwer

    Hii am taking Luvigen at night & I don’t see any problems besides dat I have runny stomach bt not everyday & also my appetite is too much for food other than that I think I can do with luvigen.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Dimakatso, what is the name of the ARVs you are taking? The most common ARV given is TLD and this is recommended to be taken in the morning. TLD can cause problems sleeping when taken later in the day – this does not happen for everyone and if you are not having any problems on TLD with your sleep you do not need to change the time of your medication.

    More information about TLD can be found here:

    ARV treatment is needed to be taken at the same time each day. If you are not experiencing side effects/problems with the time you are taking them, you can take them at any point of the day e.g., TLD is not going to be more effective if taken at 6am instead of 6pm. As long as you can find a time that suits your lifestyle and you are tolerating the treatment, that it the time it will work best for you.

  4. Dimakatso

    Hey Am new here!
    Thanks for giving me,a chance to express myself, firstly I will to say this cause is my first time am using the pill,I will like to know the importance of drinking in the morning? And is any after side effects, cause the ARV’s I been drinking it late at night.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Selina, how long have you been taking Luvigen? and how are you sleeping?

    As with any side effect it would be recommended to speak with your doctor.

    Luvigen is a generic version of TLD. Skin reactions are common however itching specifically is not. There can be other causes and this should be investigated as deemed appropriate by your doctor.

    Common TLD side effects:

  6. Selina

    Hi since I take this luvigen I have inch and I drink at 8 night what should I use because it’s so inch

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Thuso, what is the name of the medication you are taking? ART can be taken at any time as long as it is a time that suits you best to be consistent with each day. Some ART is recommended to be taken at certain times to help avoid some side effects.

  8. Thuso

    I was taking it at midnight 7 0clock but now they change they say i can take it in da morning

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi X, Luvigen can be taken regardless of food. This means you can take it with your morning meal or you can have it without. There is no effect on how Luvigen will work.

  10. X


    Since its recommended to Luvigen in the morning is it important to take it after meals or either way works?


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