
Is my baby at risk if I stopped nevirapine at 4 weeks?

Hi, my baby is 9 weeks old. My HIV was detectable at 38 weeks. And the PCR taken after birth was negative. Now i’m stressed. I stopped nvp at one month. My baby is on formula, I was breastfeeding her for two days after birth and stopped nvp at one month because of lack of knowledge. At that time I was admitted in hospital for one week and my grandmother gave her cerelac. Can my baby be infected?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on having a baby. Stopping nvp at 4 weeks is not uncommon. When cases are low risk, which yours is as your PCR at birth was undetectable, at 4 weeks it is usually recommended to stop.

As baby was only breastfed for 2 days and then switched only to formula, grandmother giving baby Cerelac will not risk transmission. Though 9 weeks is still a little young for baby to have Cerelac. As you are not breastfeeding, there is no risk of HIV transmission.
