Q and A


What treatment can I use if my CD4 count is over 800?

Hello, I have been HIV-positive since 2001 & have just seen a specialist. He tells me I am too healthy to treat as my CD4s are at 844 and viral load is 3,500. My Q is what treatment if any can i start?

How long will it take for my CD4s to fall to 500 so i can start HAART treatment?

I take a multi vit & selenium tab, eat a lot of fruit & yogurt & drink green tea. I am also on a methadone program & I


Hey, thanks for the Q.

Your doctor is giving you good advice. You have a good immune system and your body is doing very well at fighting HIV without treatment.

Although on average people loose about 50 CD4 cells a year if they are not on treatment, there is a lot of variation. You may need treatment in the next few years, or given your current good health, you may even get a few years longer than that.

Until then, enjoy the time you have without needing to take meds, but make sure you still monitor your CD4 and viral load in case it changes.

It sounds like you’re doing really well at staying clean – which will help your long term health as much as your healthy diet.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Belinda, It’s great that your CD4 count stays high without HIV drugs. But it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor and ask why that is. Most HIV positive people find that HIV wears down their CD4 count over the years. In 2015 the Start study showed that HIV treatment has important benefits for your health, even if your CD4 count is still high.

  2. Belinda

    It’s almost a year since I had HIV, but not on any HIV drugs my doctor only gives me septrin and fesoy very months n my CD 4 keeps getting high

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Johan,

    A persons viral load will increase if they don’t adhere to their medication, or if they become resistant to their medication. This is why its important to try and have a resistance test, and also to adhere to medication. If resistance does happen, then people need to change. This is something that needs to be discussed with a doctor.

  4. Johan

    What causes viral load to increase while taking ARVs?


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