Q and A


What treatment can I use if my CD4 count is over 800?

Hello, I have been HIV-positive since 2001 & have just seen a specialist. He tells me I am too healthy to treat as my CD4s are at 844 and viral load is 3,500. My Q is what treatment if any can i start?

How long will it take for my CD4s to fall to 500 so i can start HAART treatment?

I take a multi vit & selenium tab, eat a lot of fruit & yogurt & drink green tea. I am also on a methadone program & I


Hey, thanks for the Q.

Your doctor is giving you good advice. You have a good immune system and your body is doing very well at fighting HIV without treatment.

Although on average people loose about 50 CD4 cells a year if they are not on treatment, there is a lot of variation. You may need treatment in the next few years, or given your current good health, you may even get a few years longer than that.

Until then, enjoy the time you have without needing to take meds, but make sure you still monitor your CD4 and viral load in case it changes.

It sounds like you’re doing really well at staying clean – which will help your long term health as much as your healthy diet.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi chakanyuka,

    It sounds like you’re doing well. A rise in CD4 from 150 to 700 is great. The swollen foot could be due to a number of things, therefore this is something that you should talk to a doctor about.

  2. chakanyuka

    in 2016 I was found hiv positive and my cd4 was 150 ,I started with treatment and now I am700 cd4 but sometime my foot get swollen what can I do

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Karel,

    Its recommend that everyone who is positive should be on meds, this is even if a person has a high CD4 count like you. Therefore, if you feel ready then being on meds will be the best thing for your HIV.

    For more info about starting meds, please see here:


  4. Karel

    Hi is it needed for me to take ARVs i am HIV positive and are not on any ARVs
    My CD4 count is 700
    But i use every day Promune Tablets and MN7 multivatim tablets .
    When must i start ARVs ?
    Is it needed now? When i also on vatimins!

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Foxxy – HIV treatment is good for everyone. It will mean that your immune system stay strong (shown by the CD4 count staying above 500). This means that HIV is not likely to cause health problems for you, so long as you take your meds carefully.

  6. Foxxy

    Hi, I was diagnosed with HIV+ this year and my Cd4 came as 785 and I was given Arvs already. what does that mean? please help.

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Elbie

    It sounds like you are doing well on treatment but would like more social support. Do you know any other people who are HIV positive?

    If not, perhaps ask your clinic if there is a support group or HIV organisation close to where you live.

    The are good online community forums too, including at http://www.poz.com.

    As long as you are not getting side effects, your current ARVs can be used for many years. There are a lot of people who have been positive not just for 5 years, but for 10, 15 or 20 years, thanks to treatment.

  8. Elbie


    I found out in 2007 that I’m HIV. My CD4 count was less than 500. They put me on lamizin and Stocktrin. In 2009 they give me immune pill . My count was on 2011 on 1100. but it is this year down to 854.

    What is the right food to eat? Who can assist me just for talking?

    Can explain to me more about what will happen with me when I reach the 5 year mark with HIV. ?


  9. Simon Collins

    It probably means that you still have a strong CD4 count and that your body is fighting HIV pretty well at the moment.

    Your CD4 count should be monitored every few months, and it will probably gradually go down over several years.

    Guidelines currently recommend starting treatment while your CD4 count is between 200 and 350 cells/mm3.

  10. dawn

    i just found out that i have hiv i’m 19 years old. the doctor told me that i don’t need any treatment as of yet. but what does that mean?


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