Q and A


Is my weight-gain healthy?

I am HIV positive and have been for 4 years I am not on medication and I have never had an opportunist infection. The problem is that I am putting on weight. In the past 4 years I gained weight changing from 70kg to 86kg. Does this mean that I am healthy?


Thank you for your question.

To give you a more specific answer it would help if you could tell me your CD4 count, viral load and if you have made any significant changes in your diet or lifestyle in the last 4 years. Have you started to eat more? Have you changed what you eat and now eat a more fatty diet? Do you still exercise enough? Roughly how tall are you?

Your age and sex can also affect weight gain. Generally if you are HIV positive you should be more worried about weight loss than weight gain. Having said that, if you become overweight then you can end up with problems associated with obesity such as heart and lung problems.

As with any physical changes and symptoms you may experience you should talk to your HIV doctor.


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