
I had sex while on PEP. Do I need to extend the course?

Hi, I am using PrEP and I had unprotected sex during the treatment course so after the course should I go and start a new treatment again?


Hi, how are you?

Do you mean PrEP or PEP?

If you are taking PrEP to prevent transmission before an exposure, you will not need any additional treatment. As long as you have taken PrEP as told by your doctor, there is no risk.

If you are taking PEP because you have recently had an exposure, you will still do not need to take any further medication. While taking PEP it will also act as PrEP against any further risks. This is why you do not need to extend/start a new course of PEP. You can finish when initially planned.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:

Please see this link for more information about PrEP:
