
I had sex on day 30 of PEP…

I slept with someone while on PEP. I was on PEP for 30 days then had sex with an HIV positive person on 30th day what should I do?


Hi, how are you doing?

As you are on day 30, it would be advised to continue PEP for another 2 days.

This will act as on-demand PrEP. Being on PEP means you are protected from further exposures but as this is your last day, you will need to extend it for a few days.

You do not need to complete another full course of PEP.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lee, not this will not be a problem. PEP is a course taken for 28 days. Often 30 are given so that you have 2 remaining to restart if you need to take PEP again.

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  2. Lee

    Hi…i have been on PEP and the whole time i was having sex with my partner who is HIV neg..i was given 30 tablet but only took 29 can this affect the effect of the pills

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lawrence, was this a high risk exposure?

    As you had not been on PEP while you had this exposure, even testing negative would still suggest taking PEP if there was a need. PrEP is not going to be effective at preventing a transmission when taking it after the event.

    PrEP does contain 2 of the 3 drugs that can be used to form PEP and this can be effective. However PEP is more commonly given as a 3-drug combination to help improve how effective it is. Are you able to return to your doctor asking for a prescription of PEP?

    For more information about PEP:

  4. Lawrence

    Hie josh hope you are well please I need your advice i was on pep medication for 28 days. 3 days after last dose i. Had another exposure I went to clinic for asking another pep then the Doctor test me first and thes result was negative now I’m confused because he give me prep instead of pep. But now I’m still using it.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Greg, you only need to take PEP for one additional dose. This is to make sure you have taken 2 doses of PEP after sex.

    In this way PEP will work like on-demand PrEP.


  6. Greg


    I was on PEP while I had unprotected sex with someone, it was on my 27 day, hours before taking the 28 day pill. I had a course of 30 days. Should I extend the treatment, or am I protected?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rahul, yes this applies to being heterosexual. Testing needs to be done 6 weeks after your last dose of PEP. You will need to use a 4th generation test. Before this, PEP can cause inaccurate results.

  8. Rahul

    Hi Josh thank you for your reply last question does this apply to heterosexual right because my last exposure was with women am not gay and took test on 31st day it was negative so want your last opinion waiting for your reply

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rahul, you can now stop. On-demand PrEP requires 2 further days of pills. As you are now at day 3 there is no need to continue taking PEP.

  10. Rahul

    Hi Josh thank you for the answer & as of now i continued PEP for 3 more days so still how many days have to take Pep