
I used PEP for 14 days?

I used PEP for 14 days and I stopped. Do I have high chances of getting HIV?


Hi, how are you doing?

After 14 days PEP will not be as effective as if you completed the full course. This does mean there is an increased risk of HIV. As you were on PEP you will have reduced your overall risk.

What was your exposure? Do you know if it was high risk?

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Thabiso, info about PEP is at this link:

  2. Thabiso


    I started PEP after cheating on my wife with an HIV positive lady who verbally confirmed her status. It was one off and I finished inside.

    I started PEP after 33 hours. I was afraid my wife would find out something is fishy if I proposed that we use protection since we last used it before we got married. We had sex after 7 days of me being on PEP and I was 1 hour 15 minutes late for one of the doses. Could I have infected her? I’m still on PEP and she keeps on initiating sex.

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Alex, this would not be a reason in the UK to get PEP. I would be more worried about your partner and the risk to them from your blood. More info about PEP is here though:

  4. Alex


    I recently had a sexual interaction in which involved my hand in their rectum. I had a bleeding cut on my finger from 3 days prior that was dry the next day. Afterwards the partner says they have been undetectable for 10 years (showed me all results from the past year) but I’m freaking out and don’t know if I should start PEP since there was blood involved (from their anus).