
I used PEP for 14 days?

I used PEP for 14 days and I stopped. Do I have high chances of getting HIV?


Hi, how are you doing?

After 14 days PEP will not be as effective as if you completed the full course. This does mean there is an increased risk of HIV. As you were on PEP you will have reduced your overall risk.

What was your exposure? Do you know if it was high risk?

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Tommy, these symptoms are very general and can be caused by any common infection e.g., a cold, the flu, covid etc…

    As you have both tested negative, you are not experiencing seroconversion.

    More information about transmission ca be found here:

  2. tommy

    Good day Josh,

    Look man I’m freaking out. I had sexual intercourse with this girl in January 7th and 48hr later I started PEP because I didn’t not trust her, however, 14 days later on the 18th January we went to test (Antigen Test) and results came back negative, I stopped PEP. but now I’m having HIV symptoms like swollen lymph nodes like tonsils pain, I get headaches there and there. (from 24 February til date.)

    Please advise if this could be the seroconversion or what

    I’m dead shaking because I had the chance to continue with PEP but left it.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Unknown, for information about transmission please see here:

  4. Unknown

    Could you get HIV infection if you say touch a girl’s vulva and then after like some roughly 10 or so minutes touch yours?
    Also if on say have finished ejaculation and wanting to pull your penis out and the condom remains in the girl’s vagina would you get HIV because now the question is was the condom still on my penis when i was fucking or it had already been out but the the cum was in the condom. Man i am tripping what should i do? PEP i am so fed up of it once took it and now again

  5. Lotex

    I started PEP dosage out of my extreme fear of diseases, I cut my finger with something sharp like razor on a door of public bus, I don’t know it’s safety and my thoughts drove me to think that I’ve infected myself through the cut. Is my exposure high risk? Should I continue with the dosage?

  6. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lotex, this is not a risk for exposure. You do not need to be on PEP. Was this prescribed by a doctor?

    Please see here for more information about transmission:

  7. Josh Peasegood

    HI Trisha, for information about PEP please see here:


    I had un protected sex with a Germany guy and after that i told him we do a rapid check up but he refused do i deserve to be on PEP???

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Kumar, there is no risk of HIV. You do not need to be on PEP. Please follow this link for more information:

  10. Kumar

    I m paranoid about getting HIV. I am a 3rd year medicine resident. I noticed that a towel i used in hotel had a blood spot on it which i had used to clean my whole body. I know that dried blood has less chance of transmitting HIV. I m worried that since i m uncircumcised and that the blood spot on towel could have come in contact with my prepuce i might contact HIV. I started PEP 24 hours later despite the ID department advise and i have also started treatment for anxiety. I want to discontinue the PEP. Is it advisable to stop it at day10.
    Also i tried to stop it at day 10 but ended up restarting it at 12 hours after the scheduled dose. Then i took the next dose 36 hours from this dose. So i m effectively missed two consecutive dose by 12 hours each.
    I have taken lot of counselling in vain.
    This forum is my last hope
    1. What is your opinion on me continuing the PEP ?
    2. If i wish to continue, does my irregularity affect the efficacy of the PEP?