
Apetito to gain weight?

Hi! Currently l am on Kovatrax tablets.

Due to life stress l have lost weight.

Is it advisable to take Apetito whilst on ARVs or are there other supplements l can use to gain weight?


Hi, how are you doing?

I am sorry but I can’t find anything online that lists the ingredients of this supplement. In general though, there is also no evidence that most supplements to any of the things that they claim.

Kovatrax includes dolutegravir, which can be affected by supplements that include magnesium, aluminium and calcium, Please see this info at this link for how to separate time taking your meds:

How much weight have you lost? There is little to no evidence about how well weight gain supplements work. It would be recommended to gain weight with developing muscle bulk and increasing the intake of a balanced diet.

As your weight loss has been linked with your stress, do you have any ideas how to reduce this? Regardless of how you are planning to gain weight, if you are not addressing being stressed this will still have an effect on your weight.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Nhlakanipjo, please see the answer to the original question.

    Comments on this topic are now closed becasue everything is covered in the answer above.

  2. Nhlakanipjo

    Hi I would like to know as a guy if I can use Apetito and will it be effective in helping me gain weight ?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi VN, thanks for your experience. Proper support on diet advice is still likely to be better and more successful so perhaps ask your doctor about this, or for a referral.

  4. VN

    Hi.i stopped using apetito, I think it improved my appetite but the body pains were killing me.