Q and A


Apetito to gain weight?

Currently l am on Kovatrax tablets. Due to life stress l have lost weight. Is it advisable to take apetito whilst on ARVs or are there other supplements l can use to gain weight?


Hi, how are you doing?

I am sorry but I can’t find anything online that lists the ingredients of this supplement. In general though, there is also no evidence that most supplements to any of the things that they claim.

Kovatrax includes dolutegravir, which can be affected by supplements that include magnesium, aluminium and calcium, Please see this info at this link for how to separate time taking your meds:

How much weight have you lost? There is little to no evidence about how well weight gain supplements work. It would be recommended to gain weight with developing muscle bulk and increasing the intake of a balanced diet.

As your weight loss has been linked with your stress, do you have any ideas how to reduce this? Regardless of how you are planning to gain weight, if you are not addressing being stressed this will still have an effect on your weight.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Evah, did you first notice this weight loss after starting treatment and what is the treatment called? or did it start before? Do you know what your current CD4 count and viral load is?

    Has anything else changed in your life that could have lead to this weight loss e.g., more exercise, eating less, more stress etc…What have you tried to keep the weight on?

    Weight loss is a very uncommon side effect of newer HIV medications. More commonly HIV treatment is now associated with weight gain. Have you noticed any other symptoms e.g., night sweats and/or regular fevers?

  2. Evah

    Im Evah lm HIV positive talking treatment since August 2023 so l lose weight my weight was 65kg now my weight is 52kg so l want to take this mybe l will be better

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Evon, TLD and Apetito do not interact. It is okay to take them together.

  4. Evon

    I want to use because lm HIV positive lm using TLD

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Janiewallet, if you are unsure please ask the pharmacist where you got these pills and/or read the leaflet/information contained with the box.

  6. Janiewailet

    How many tables a day in adult

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sinazo, as i-base is a UK based HIV treatment charity we do not have this information. Have you inquired with your local pharmacy?

  8. sinazo

    hey, where can i get apetito pills to gain wait?

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lati, as i-base is a UK based HIV treatment charity we do not have this information. Are you able to ask this at your local pharmacy?

  10. Lati

    Where can one order apetito?


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