Q and A


Apetito to gain weight?

Currently l am on Kovatrax tablets. Due to life stress l have lost weight. Is it advisable to take apetito whilst on ARVs or are there other supplements l can use to gain weight?


Hi, how are you doing?

I am sorry but I can’t find anything online that lists the ingredients of this supplement. In general though, there is also no evidence that most supplements to any of the things that they claim.

Kovatrax includes dolutegravir, which can be affected by supplements that include magnesium, aluminium and calcium, Please see this info at this link for how to separate time taking your meds:

How much weight have you lost? There is little to no evidence about how well weight gain supplements work. It would be recommended to gain weight with developing muscle bulk and increasing the intake of a balanced diet.

As your weight loss has been linked with your stress, do you have any ideas how to reduce this? Regardless of how you are planning to gain weight, if you are not addressing being stressed this will still have an effect on your weight.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Silindile, congratulations on your pregnancy. Please speak to your doctor, you should not be loosing weight while pregnant though it is more common in the earlier months of pregnancy. How much weight do you think you have lost?

    Apetito pills use the active ingredient cyproheptadine to stimulate appetite and treat allergies. As with most allergy medication, most manufactures avoid you use this treatment while pregnant. There is no evidence to suggest it will cause problems with baby, but there is also no evidence to say that it wont. For this reason it is recommended not to take this pills while pregnant.

  2. Silindile

    Hello. I am 6 months pregnant n I feel like this pregnancy is causing me to lose weight. I’ve lost about 3.5kg since pregnant.

    I’d like to know if it’s safe for me to use Apetito pills. I’ve used them before pregnancy though then I stopped when I fell pregnant.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nqobile, neither of these pills will have any effect on preventing pregnancy.

  4. Nqobile

    Does taking apetito pills and prevention pills together have any effect on preventing pregnancy

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Fiona, please speak with your pharmacist.

  6. Fiona

    Can a diabetic on medication take appetito pills of gaining weight?

  7. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Lindiwe, what is the name of the ARVs you are taking? and what have you tried to gain weight?

    As with all supplements it would be recommended to take them at the opposite end of the day to when you take your ARVs e.g., ARVs in the morning and Apetito before bed. This is to prevent any risk of interaction even though the risk is minimal.

    Have you noticed any reasons why you are finding it difficult to gain weight e.g., doing lots of activity/exercise, stress, poor sleep, not eating much etc…?

  8. Lindiwe

    Hi doctor I lose my weight can I take apetito with arvs

  9. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Phiry, I am sorry to hear about these changes. When did you first notice them?

    And what HIV treatment are you on? and have you always been on the same treatment?

  10. Phiry

    Hiv positive and taking ARV for almost 19 years what hurts was that my stomach got big and my butts got straight looking fat to my stomach. Need help


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