
Will PEP be effective if I stop after 18 days?

I was exposed to a woman who is HIV positive and was not on treatment. I used a condom at first but realised the condom had torn apart.

After I realised I pulled out and cleaned it with water. Then I tested her and she came out HIV positive. I started PEP immediately, however after 17 days side effects are too much that I can’t do anything.

Can PEP be effective after 18 days if I stop because I’m experiencing the worst side effects?


Hi, how are you doing?

What side effects are you experiencing?

The recommendation is 28 days. 28 days is the only time that it can be said with certainty that PEP will be most effective.

Stopping before this can increase the risk of PEP failing.

The evidence behind PEP being continued for 28 days is limited. In most cases PEP can be considered effective from 21 days. The recommendation of 28 days is more likely a matter of convenience.

At 18 days you would be close to the 21 day threshold. This means that there is some likelihood that PEP would have worked but it can’t be said how well it would have worked.

How badly are these side effects affecting your life? and are you sure they are being caused by PEP and not something else?

Please see this link for more information about PEP:



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Monica, yes this will remain effective. As long as you can remain taking PEP at 10 am daily for the remainder of the course it will remain effective.

    More information about PEP can be found here:

  2. Monica

    I changed taking my pep from 3pm to 10am will it be effective

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Nick, to clarify you have been on PrEP for 5 days? and in these 5 days you have had unprotected sex?

    If this is the case why you do require PEP?

    For more information about PEP please see here:

  4. Nick

    Can I continue with pep though I started with prep for 5 days ,which was an before unprotected sex with a positive woman