
Can I pass on HIV if I have been on treatment for 5 months?

Recently I had unprotected sex and I’m HIV positive. I’m durably undetectable and I’m scared that it may have passed on. I been on Biktarvy for 5 months. What’s the odds of passing it on when you just got undetectable?


Hi, how are you doing?

There is no risk of transmission. As you are durably undetectable and on treatment there is no risk of transmission.

This is called U=U. It means that when someone is on treatment with a viral load below 200/undetectable, there is no risk of transmission via sex.



  1. Simon Collins

    Hi Yk, thanks, some guidelines recommend a second viral load test to confirm viral load has not rebounded, but this is generally only in countries where it is easy to get viral load tests. In these countries, viral load should be checked after 4 weeks and is often undetectable by then id using integrase inhibitor-based ART. The second test is then 2-3 months later, so the wait time is only a few months.

    This is different in countries where viral load tests are only available once a year. A single undetectable viral load either 6 or 12 months after starting ART is taken as good evidence that viral load hasn’t rebounded.

  2. Yk

    I seen some websites saying that u might have to wait for another test to make sure I’ve only had one to see if I was undetectable