
Can ART be used as PrEP or PEP?

Hi, I do not take PrEP on demand.

My spouse has HIV and is undetectable (CD4 less than 20). He is on Biktarvy.

I gave him Ozempic sq, and got an accidental needle stick to my finger after recapping. But it was with the end of the needle that didn’t puncture him. At least that is what I think.

For PrEP on demand you must take the medication 24 hours before. Can I do a modified prep on demand by just taking one Biktarvy now? I’m freaking out and I’m so upset with myself.


Hi there,

This sounds like either a low or zero risk of HIV, even if you did have blood contact. Taking Biktarvy as starter PEP would be fine. This would give you time to seek advice about whether you need PEP.

Although there is little data about needlestick risks on ART, your partner’s treatment would make this very low, possibly zero.

Please see this link for more information about PEP:
