
What do these other lab results mean?

Hi there.

I have just had my test results and I’m finding them hard to
interpret. The CD4 count all makes sense but what do you make of the rest of this:
white cells count: 4.75
lymphocytes: 2.34 49.3%
CD4: 465 19%

I have been HIV+ for 10 years but have only recently started testing. My CD4 count is very stable and is dropping at a very slow rate.

My doctor says I don’t need to start treatment yet but I am a bit worried about the low percentage of CD4.

I would appreciate your thoughts. I live overseas and have very irregular access to medical advice.



White blood cells (WBC) is the total number of white blood cells in the sample. A high WBC usually means that the body is fighting an infection. A very low WBC can be caused by problems with the bone marrow. This condition, called leukocytopenia or leukopenia, means that your body is less able to fight off infections.The referential values for WBC is 4.5-11.0×10 3 /mm 3

In your case the result is 4.75, which is totally in the norm.

There are two main types of lymphocytes. “T cells” attack and kill germs, and help regulate the immune system. “B cells” make antibodies, special proteins that attack germs. Lymphocytes are normally 16% to 46% of WBCs. In your case they are slightly higher – 49%, but this is not a reason for a particular worry, as there may be many reasons for this.

As for the % of the CD4, it is not that bad and keeping in mind that the total number is near 500, starting ARVs is not something that is urgent.

Jelayu udachi!


  1. Vassily

    Thank you so much. It’s so good to get such advice. This service is so valuable.

    Much appreciated



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