
My viral load is 843 and CD4% is 28. Are these good?

Hi, my viral load is 843 and my CD4% is 28. Are these good numbers?


HI, how are you doing?

How long have you been HIV positive? and when did you start treatment?

A CD4% of 28 is good. This means that you have an absolute CD4 count within a healthy range (430 -1690). This means HIV is not damaging your immune system.

Your viral load is suppressed. It is not considered undetectable and there is still some risk of transmission to others by sex. Though as your CD4% is high, it suggests that your viral load is still being suppressed.

Most people will have a viral load under 200 within 3 months of starting treatment. When this low there is no risk of sexual transmission. This is explained by U=U.



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