Q and A


Are Aluvia and Ranega the same medication?

Hi, I just want to find out if Aluvia is the same as Ranega. My mum has been given a Ranega instead of Aluvia. I’m really not sure if she should take it.


Hi, how are you doing?

No these medications are not the same.

They are both medications to treat HIV but they contain different drugs.

Aluvia is a combination of 2 drugs. It is usually combined with another drug to make a complete 3-drug regimen that can be used to treat HIV. How long has your mum been using Aluvia? and has she had any other drugs alongside it?

Ranega is a generic version of TLD. TLD is a common treatment that many people are being switched to. Is this something your doctor has talked about. TLD is generally better tolerated with fewer side effects which is why people are commonly switched.

Using Ranega while waiting to talk to your doctor will not risk Aluvia not working if this was an error. Both treatment will work to suppress HIV but they do so in different ways.

It is still better for your mum to take some medication instead of none. If this was an intentional switch most people find they do well on Ranega and it is easier to tolerate within their day to day lives.



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