
What can I used instead of Acriptega to protect my kidneys?

Hello Simon and team, long time no asking a question.

I am now undetectable for almost 2 years. My CD4 went from 25 to 450 now and thanks god my health is very well now.

As previous checkup at my healthcare provider, the doctor said everything is ok except my eGFR is going down to 78 from 98. She said it is still in normal range but seems like the trend line is going down due to Acriptega which contains Tenofovir.

Can I ask you what is the best regimen to replace Acriptega to not damage kidney renal.


Hi, how are you doing?

It is great to hear that your health is doing well and you are now undetectable. More so that your CD4 count has had such a good recovery over the last 2 years.

Has your doctor ruled out other causes of the decline in your eGFR? and have you been tested for makers of kidney damage e.g., protein/blood in the urine and albumin:creatinine ratio?

If you do not have any of these associated markers, your doctor is right and your kidneys are still in a healthy range even though the eGFR has gone down.

As you have mentioned Acrpitega contains tenofovir DF and this is known to cause problems with kidneys. It is safe to remain on this treatment with regular monitoring of kindey function to make sure it is not declining.

A suitable switch would be to go from tenofovir DF to tenofovir AF.

Tenofovir AF is more kidney protective. It is only available in certain formulations and will depend on what is available where you are. A common switch from a TLD formulation would be to move towards Biktarvy.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Danny, thanks for the update. It is great to hear that your CD4 count has gone up.

    Even with lowered eGFR you are not considered in kidney failure unless you are presenting with symptoms e.g., changes in urine, swelling in your legs or itching over your body etc…

    Without these symptoms it is okay for your eGFR to drop slightly and still not be considered to be in kidney failure. As long as this is being monitored by your doctor you do not need to be concerned.

  2. Danny

    Hi Josh,

    Just want to catch up and update.

    I got a test every 6 months and today I got teét result.

    My CD4 went up from 450 (446 exactly) to 509 now. Tks God.

    My eGFR by the way keep falling down from 78 to now 72. But my healthcare provider keeps telling me that’s is OK and still in normal healthy range. But as I know from my research I am in Stage 2 of kidney failure.

    I asked them if i need to change to TAF regimen but they insisted not neccessary. In my country, public healthcare insurance only cover for Acriptega. If I switch to TAF regimen I have to pay it for myself.

    Do I really need to switch to TAF? My finance is good enought to cover it.

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi sandy, are you involved with a peer support group and/or are you being supported by your doctor?

    I-base doesn’t operate a forum to connect people to speak to each other. Where are you based? There may be more suitable websites/groups for you to contact to find peer support.

  4. Sandy


    Please tell me how you managed these two years to recover from 25 CD 4 to 500 CD 4
    I have also 60 cd4 when diagnosed
    Now it’s 3.5 months I m on TLD. Next CD 4 will be done completing 6 month treatment


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