
Does baby already have HIV?

Hi I found out that am HIV positive 3 years back. I didn’t start with treatment and now am pregnant, only went to the clinic on 34 weeks. Is my baby already infected?


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

No this does not mean baby is already HIV positive. Do you know your current CD4 count and viral load?

Would you consider starting treatment? Treatment is safe for you and baby and being on treatment for only a few weeks before birth can significantly reduce the risk of transmission.

Treatment will also help keep you both healthy and prevent the risk of other infections that can be passed on through breastmilk.

Click here to read a guide about treatment for baby after birth.

Even a little bit of treatment right at the end of pregnancy can have the biggest impact on prevention. There is still a lot of time to make a big reduction in transmission risk.

This is a link about starting treatment.
