
What do my results mean?

I have just recently found out I am HIV positive, came as a huge shock as I imagine it does for most. So I’m trying to get my head around understanding it all. I have a CD4 count of 963 and a viral load of 1300. Is that good or bad? I am not on medication yet, my appointment for that is 15th.


Hi, how are you doing?

Do you have a support network around you e.g., friends/family, your doctor or ever support groups?

Your CD4 count is very good. CD4 cells are the cells that HIV target. CD4 cells are used in your immune system and when they are damage you become more vulnerable to other infections/diseases.

A CD4 count between 430 and 1690 is considered a healthy range. As yours is 963 it means HIV has not caused any significant damage and you still have a really healthy immune system.

Your viral load is how active HIV is in the body. In early infection this can be over 100,000. A viral load of 1300 suggests your body is able to somewhat naturally suppress HIV which is a very good thing. Treatment will help suppress this further to the point where you cannot pass on HIV and there will be no risk of damage from HIV to yourself.

Treatment aims to have your viral load undetectable (below 200 depending on the test).

This is a link about starting treatment.



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