Q and A


What are implications of a treatment break if you are on salvage therapy?


Can you tell me what the implications of missing a dose of tipranavir or tenofovir would be in the case of someone who is on salvage therapy.

I am looking at a time period of about 4 – 6 days of missing all doses in that period.

I look forward to hearing from you.


Treatment interuptions are not recommended now unless there is a medical reason.

This is even more important for someone on salvage therapy (ie for someone who has developed resistance to other drugs).

If your viral load is undetectable, you risk the treatment not working again after the interuption. Depending on your treatment history, you may be using the only combination that you have left.

If you’d like to discuss this in more detail, please email me details of your current combination and drug history.

Why do you want to stop treatment for this week?


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