
Can I get HIV from oral sex?

I’m a male, 30 years old. Yesterday, I had unprotected oral sex with a female who I don’t know her HIV status. I only had oral sex with her. She gave me a blowjob.

I am afraid that if she has HIV, I will be at risk of HIV infection. I’m so worried. Do I need to get HIV test?

Thank you very much!


Thank you for your question.

You cannot get HIV from oral sex this way. Anyone who is receiving a blowjob is not at risk. You also cannot get HIV from giving a woman oral sex.

Although up to 5% of HIV infections might be giving someone a blowjob, this probably depends on two factors. One is that viral load need to be very high in the positive partner and the second it that the negative partner probably need to have mouth problems, for example if they have bleeding gums, a cut in their mouth or recent dental work.

More information about HIV sexual transmission is included in this guide, which has a section on oral sex.

This answer was updated in January 2018 from an original Q&A from July 2010. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk. (See: Question 1 at this link).

Comments to this Q&A are now closed.


  1. Mr x

    Hi I had an oral sex with a woman and I don’t know her hiv status. I got tested after 3 weeks and it was negative. However I have this funny stomach feeling and I’m sweating, not too much tho. I’m a little worried.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Beauty,

    There isn’t an answer for this, it depends on the person. Some people will tell a partner before they have sex, others not for years, or even ever. You need to do it when you feel like its the right time.

    What might help is being armed with all the up-to-date information, and being able to reassure him that if you’re on treatment and have an undetectable viral load that the risk of transmission is close to zero. Please see the results of the PARTNER study for more info:

    Have you also thought about seeing what his views are with regards to HIV? This may help. I think its also important to be able to explain that HIV is a very manageable health condition. Its very treatable and people with HIV can expect to live long and healthy lives.

  3. Beauty

    How soon should one tell a person that they are HIV positive. Because I am in a new relationship but I don’t know when is the right time to tell him.

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi scelo,

    Please see question 2 here:

  5. scelo

    Hi there. I’m an HIV + person, I have known for 2 year now. Are there any supplements that I can take in order to boot my immune system with my medication?

  6. Roy Trevelion

    We no longer answer questions about transmission and testing. This information service is for people who are HIV positive and about HIV treatment.

    Most questions about transmission and testing have been answered here:

  7. tazder

    I received mouth and hand sex by a woman recently, can I get a HIV that way.

  8. Simon Collins

    Please see transmission questions that are already answer in the FAQ page:

    Or in this online guide, which has a section about oral sex:
    HIV testing and risk of transmission

  9. MGS

    I am gay and had sex with a guy a week or so ago. We both gave each other oral but no penetrative sex took place. I know I am negative but I do not know the other guys HIV status, Could I have caught HIV this way?

  10. Simon Collins

    Transmission questions are already answer in the FAQ page:

    Or in this online guide:
    HIV testing and risk of transmission