Q and A


Can I get married if I am HIV positive?

Hi. Can I marry if I am HIV positive? I am only 28 male, and just diagnosed. How long I can live if I start HAART in future? Do you also think there will be more treatement options in future? Thank you


Yes, most countries have no legal obstacles against marriage, though many countries do have laws that saw you need to tell your partner about your HIV status. There are some countries where discrimination limits human rights, so it also depends where you live.

Many HIV positive men get married – to partners who are either HIV positive or HIV negative. If their partner is HIV-negative it is still possible to have children



    kenya has gone a step further in combating stigma and discrimination towards people living with HIV.The national AIDS control council and the ministry of state for special programmes are implementing the HIV and AIDS prevention and control by supporting the HIV and AIDS tribunal that is mandated to fight for the rights of people living with HIV.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Joy,

    i-base are a treatment advocacy organisation, we don’t do matching. Have you thought about online dating?

  3. JOY

    Good morning, I am a lady of 30 years old diagnosed with HIV 5 years ago. I am very healthy and have never fallen ill since then because I was never ill before diagnosis, I only went to know my status then found out I have the virus. Now, this has caused me several relationships, I always get depressed with the fact that I cant get to marry the man of my choice. It’s very difficult letting the cat out of the bag each time a man asks me out. please do you do a match make for people who desire to get married?

  4. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Mohinder,

    Thanks. Yes, in most countries in the world being HIV positive is not a barrier to marriage.

  5. Mohinder

    I will married her h i v woman

  6. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Chris,

    I’m sorry to hear about your diagnosis. But what does the doctor say? Do you have access to a doctor and HIV treatment?

    The good news is that starting treatment can stop sexual transmission if you don’t use condoms. So yes, it is possible to have an HIV negative child if you’re HIV positive.

    It’s important that you find a clinic and that your HIV meds work against HIV 2. Some HIV meds don’t work against HIV 2 so your doctor must avoid giving you them.

    Please let us know if you have access to HIV treatment.

  7. Chris

    Please I am 38 and very worried. I am in Ghana and diagnosed with HIV type 2 but I want to have a child because I don’t have one.
    is that very possible? and will my child be HIV negative? will there be any means whereby I will not transmit the virus to the lady?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ganesan,

    Have you tried an online forum for people who are positive or joining a support group, this could be a good way to meet women who are positive.

  9. Ganesan

    I want HIV woman for marriage

  10. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Amit,
    It’s great that your son’s viral load is undetectable. Does that mean he’s taking HIV treatment (ART). Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean by profile.


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