Q and A


Can I get married if I am HIV positive?

Hi. Can I marry if I am HIV positive? I am only 28 male, and just diagnosed. How long I can live if I start HAART in future? Do you also think there will be more treatement options in future? Thank you


Yes, most countries have no legal obstacles against marriage, though many countries do have laws that saw you need to tell your partner about your HIV status. There are some countries where discrimination limits human rights, so it also depends where you live.

Many HIV positive men get married – to partners who are either HIV positive or HIV negative. If their partner is HIV-negative it is still possible to have children


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ibrahima,

    Yes of course you can. And if you’re worried about safe sex, if the women who you wish to marry is on treatment then the risk of transmission is close to zero. Please see the results of the PARTNER study for more info:


  2. Ibrahima

    Can I married to a women who is HIV positive?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Mokgadi,

    Being HIV positive shouldn’t be a barrier to marrying or having children. Many women all over the world who are positive have kids and marry. And with partners who are negative. As with people who are negative, its a case of finding the right person. It can and does happen though.

    Its important to know that HIV doesn’t need to rule your life. Nor should it stop you from being happy.

    If you’re worried about this, maybe some support from others who are positive may help.

  4. Mokgadi

    My name is Mokgadi, I’m HIV positive and scared I’ll never be able to marry or have kids. Will I be able to be happy?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lizzy,

    Relationships end for all sorts of reasons. If your man can’t accept your status and won’t marry you, then he isn’t the right person for you.

    If this has happened to you, maybe you could try and talk to other women who are HIV positive, this may help.

  6. Lizzy

    What if you tell your man and he say no to you. I mean the marriage?

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ann,

    Are you newly diagnosed? If you are then you may find the following link helpful:


    If you aren’t, then how long have you been living with HIV? Also do you know what your CD4 is? And your viral load? Are you able to access support near to where you live?

  8. Mpho

    Hi, I’m Ann. I’m 27 and HIV positive. I’m scared. Am I the only child struggling to accept there status, please help?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nneka,

    Being HIV positive shouldn’t be a barrier to you getting married and having a family. All over the world people who are positive have kids and get married. They also get married and have kids with people who are negative.

    If this is something that you’d like, then go for it.

  10. nneka

    I’m 32, HIV positive and I want to get married and have my own children.


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