Q and A


What is seroconversion and what are the symptoms?


HIV seroconversion is a very early stage of HIV infection. It is the time when a person first develops antibodies for HIV.

At this point an HIV antibody test will still be negative. The word just means that your sero status is converting from being HIV antibody negative to HIV antibody positive.

Seroconversion usually occurs starts 1-3 weeks after infection, with average time being around 10 days. Although 4 in 5 people (80%) get symptoms, 1 in 5 (20%) do not.

Seroconversion does not occur if you are on PEP, because PEP drugs suppress the virus. The timing mentioned above would start after the last PEP dose – ie 10 days after the PEP ends.


The symptoms of HIV seroconversion resemble those of a heavy cold or flu.

They commonly involve multiple symptoms that all occur at the same time. They last about a week and then resolve. If you get this heavy response and recently had a risk, it is more important to contact a doctor or clinic. This can decide your level of risk and the best time to test.

However, lots of people get some of these symptoms and it does not mean they are HIV positive. Stress and anxiety can produce similar general symptoms even though without HIV. This includes tiredness from not sleeping, anxiety and worry.

The most common HIV seroconversion symptoms include a combination of several of the following:

  • Fatigue (tiredness).
  • Fever (high temperature).
  • Sore throat.
  • Rash.
  • Headache.
  • Loss of appetite.
  • Aching muscles and joints.
  • Swollen lymph glands.

Seroconversion involves several symptoms that all start at the same time. Only having one or two of these symptoms is unlikely to be HIV.

These symptoms are not a reliable way of diagnosing HIV infection.

Firstly, 20% of people who become infected with HIV have no symptoms. Secondly, none of the symptoms listed above, on their own, are an indication of HIV.

However, if you get several of these symptoms at the same time AND you have had a recent risk of exposure to HIV, then this MIGHT be an indication of infection.

The only way to know if you are HIV positive is by taking an HIV test. More information on tests is at this link.

If you have recently been exposed to HIV, or think you may have been exposed to HIV, then contact a doctor or sexual health clinic to talk about whether testing for HIV is appropriate.

This answer was updated in 2016, 2018 and 2023 from an original Q&A from 2008. i-Base no longer answers individual questions about HIV transmission and risk. (See: Question 1 at this link).


  1. Audrey

    I’m positive, 30 April marks 1 year I’m on ARVS my problem is I have serious pains on the left side from neck down my shoulder. Am I in danger or it’s just a symptom?

  2. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Information online
    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

    Worried about HIV?
    If you are worried about a possible infection contact your local testing centre.
    In the UK you can find your nearest clinic using the NHS website:

    Understanding HIV test results:
    If you do not understand results from an HIV test, please contact the centre where you were tested.

    Worried about symptoms?
    If you are concerned about any symptoms please contact a doctor.

  3. fair

    is it all the early symtom of an seroconversion that occur at onces in the body system of an hiv victim.please help me with your answers.i will be glad to hear frm you doctor.

  4. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Information online
    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

    Worried about HIV?
    If you are worried about a possible infection contact your local testing centre.
    In the UK you can find your nearest clinic using the NHS website:

    Understanding HIV test results:
    If you do not understand results from an HIV test, please contact the centre where you were tested.

    Worried about symptoms?
    If you are concerned about any symptoms please contact a doctor.

  5. fairness

    i am a sailor i was having a fever when i went home and i went to a chemist who told me that is malaria.i took the precribe drugs before returning back to ship, the following day we started working on engine with big components that has to do with lifting of loads with our hands.after the work has finished.the next day a girl came to our ship i had sex with her and the condom turn.the following day i started having pains on my neck,shoulder,headache,colourless urine,even tiredness and shock on my teeth.please help me,am confuse i don”t known want to do,and is getting to four days now since i have be noticing this and my off day has not yet reach.

  6. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Information online
    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

    Worried about HIV?
    If you are worried about a possible infection contact your local testing centre.
    In the UK you can find your nearest clinic using the NHS website:

    Understanding HIV test results:
    If you do not understand results from an HIV test, please contact the centre where you were tested.

    Worried about symptoms?
    If you are concerned about any symptoms please contact a doctor.

  7. Murphy

    Hi, a condom recently broke while having sex with a sex worker who I then came in her mouth unprotected and then surprisingly kissed me when my eyes were closed. She said she has no HIV because she visits the gum clinic on a weekly basis she is a trained nurse herself and is very afraid of the diesease but I have recently experienced the following symptoms which have freaked me out to the bone.
    -I black raised spot on the top left side of my tongue that I noticed like today and tried my level best to brush my tongue that very night and was gone the following day.
    -I have found out that there is a 3cm long and about 1cm wide black patch on back of my arm. Can

  8. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Shimoli,

    Healing quickly after an injury is not a sign of increased HIV risk. Unprotected sex is a possible HIV risk, if the girl you had sex with is HIV+

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Information online
    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

    Worried about HIV?
    If you are worried about a possible infection contact your local testing centre.
    In the UK you can find your nearest clinic using the NHS website:

    Understanding HIV test results:
    If you do not understand results from an HIV test, please contact the centre where you were tested.

    Worried about symptoms?
    If you are concerned about any symptoms please contact a doctor.

  9. Shimoli

    i had unprotected sex with a girl 5 weeks has passed, this week i come so serious sick but you must have to know i have not done tough work like carrying 150 brick stones measuring each Width 9”, heiht 9” and lenths 12 inches (14Kgs) on my back for 4 months i was taking them of first floor using stair case, when i came back home i started to feel headache and bodyache but i swallowed simple medicine my body come normal.
    Next day i walked like 2 hrs morning and evening to and fro for three days to search for a casual work at the constructional site as a handyman their and the payment is very poor. I found the work and the work started at 7:30 am to 5:00 pm i was given spade to be scooping hard concrete and puting it on the wheelbarrow so as to mix the slab i did that work and i had not take any breakfast i was feeling to fell down sometimes dizzy i did the work till lunch for 30 min then we get back to work, one of workmate cut my finger with spade but it get healed faster 2 days.
    My head was continues to be bad till i got sick for 3 days then back to normal without going to hospital but i had appetite to eat i was drinking lots of water, i had no other other signs of hiv beside of headache and becoming sick. I have not lost weight, but the work i did and walking is the one caused me to sick.
    If was cutted with dirty spade and get healed 2-3 days does this showing i am at hiv+ risk?
    I look for your responses.

  10. mandiee

    hi grace i had exactly same symptoms and still on going now which ive had 4 19 months ive tested 6 times for hiv all negative no gps can give me a diagnosis.