
What can I do about the weight gain around my tummy and breasts?

I am HIV positive and I am on ARV treatment but the treatment is making me gain weight especially around my breasts and tummy. Is it safe to take slimming powders or weight loosing products?


Thank you for your question.

If you are gaining weight around your stomach and breasts then it is likely that you are experiencing lipodystrophy which is a fat disorder. Lipodystrophy is a common side effect of HIV medication which has been reported with nearly every combination. Lipodystrophy involves fat accumulating in the abdomen (stomach), breasts, shoulders, neck and is sometimes exaggerated by fat loss from the arms, legs, buttocks and face.

During lipodystrophy fat builds up around your organs rather than under your skin which happens during ‘normal’ weight gain. Slimming powers and weight loss products do not generally work on the fat built up around your organs.

However, there are some things you can do. For a start you could speak to your HIV doctor about changing the HIV treatments you are taking. Additional treatments are explained in detail in this previous question and in the lipodystrophy section of the i-Base guide to ‘Avoiding and managing side effects’


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi athman,

    How much weight had you lost between your diagnoses and starting meds?

  2. athman

    When will I start to gain weight after beginning ARVs?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Nikiwe, please talk to your doctor about this. The combined pill should not have been different to separate meds. Please tell the doctor about how this is making you depressed. Ask your doctor if the chance is related to the information here:

  4. nikiwe

    I’ve been on treatment from 2009 n on June 2015 I started taking the combined pill . my weight rise from size 38 to 44 n my tummy and breast has doubled the size. pls help I’m depressed

  5. Simon Collins

    Hi Nthabiseng, your doctor is giving you good information. Most people put on weight over the first six months after starting HIV meds.

  6. Nthabiseng

    I have started taking ARV on the month of august 2016,I just want to gain weight cause I used to wear up to size 40 and now am 34..I have spoken with my HIV gp about my weight loss he kept on saying I will be fine as long as am now on treatment, just worried please

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Dudu, what does your doctor say about this?

    See these links to information about this possible side effect.

  8. Dudu

    i have a problem since i started to use Arv am gaining weight on my stomach and arm please help
    what can i do to reduce this

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Lungile

    Please talk to your doctor about how distressing this is.

    All the meds you have used are different vesion of the same drugs.

    Efavirenx is in all these drugs and this might have casued a side effecd – but your doctor needs to talk abotu this.

  10. lungile

    I’ve been introduced to Eftenem and started gaining lot of fat on my breasts and tummy legs bums becoming so thin yet I’ve been on Lamzid Odimune and Artripla I never had that since 2007 I’m losing hope now and stressed


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