
What can I do about the weight gain around my tummy and breasts?

I am HIV positive and I am on ARV treatment but the treatment is making me gain weight especially around my breasts and tummy. Is it safe to take slimming powders or weight loosing products?


Thank you for your question.

If you are gaining weight around your stomach and breasts then it is likely that you are experiencing lipodystrophy which is a fat disorder. Lipodystrophy is a common side effect of HIV medication which has been reported with nearly every combination. Lipodystrophy involves fat accumulating in the abdomen (stomach), breasts, shoulders, neck and is sometimes exaggerated by fat loss from the arms, legs, buttocks and face.

During lipodystrophy fat builds up around your organs rather than under your skin which happens during ‘normal’ weight gain. Slimming powers and weight loss products do not generally work on the fat built up around your organs.

However, there are some things you can do. For a start you could speak to your HIV doctor about changing the HIV treatments you are taking. Additional treatments are explained in detail in this previous question and in the lipodystrophy section of the i-Base guide to ‘Avoiding and managing side effects’


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lulu,

    How much weight have you gained, and over what time period? Also how long have you been on ARVs? What ARVs are you taking? Have there been any changes in your general life style?

  2. lulu

    Hi, I have gaind a lot off weight, I weighed 105 last week and I used to be smaller.

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lerato,

    What meds are you on?
    Fat loss, and fat gain is no longer common with modern ARVs. However, it can still happen. Therefore, your fat loss could be due to your ARVs or something else. For example our bodies change as we get older. Diet is also an issue.

  4. Lerato

    Hi, I’ve been on ARVs since January 2015 – I gained weight for couple of months especially around my buttocks. Now my legs and arms are getting thinner. I’ve also lost fat in buttocks!?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi George,

    How much weight have you gained? And over what period of time? Do you have a healthy diet and exercise?

  6. George

    How to treat weight gaining when on ARVS,

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Happy,

    The side effect that you’ve describe isn’t a common one. And its not known why it happens. Please see the following for a detailed answer:

    Because its causing you problems, I would suggest going to your doctor and asking to change meds. That is if this is possible.

  8. Happy

    I started meds in May 2016. I’ve found that my right breast is growing. The thing is I’m a man. What should I do?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Lihle,

    Weight gain, though not very common can happen when people take ARVs. The reasons for why this happens are not known.

    Because you’ve just started meds, this may stop within a few weeks. If it continues then you will need to exercise and be careful about what you eat.

    You could also ask about the possibility of changing meds.

  10. lihle

    I’ve started ARVs. I’ve only been on them for 13 days and already I’ve noticed that my breasts and tummy are getting bigger.


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