
What can I do about the weight gain around my tummy and breasts?

I am HIV positive and I am on ARV treatment but the treatment is making me gain weight especially around my breasts and tummy. Is it safe to take slimming powders or weight loosing products?


Thank you for your question.

If you are gaining weight around your stomach and breasts then it is likely that you are experiencing lipodystrophy which is a fat disorder. Lipodystrophy is a common side effect of HIV medication which has been reported with nearly every combination. Lipodystrophy involves fat accumulating in the abdomen (stomach), breasts, shoulders, neck and is sometimes exaggerated by fat loss from the arms, legs, buttocks and face.

During lipodystrophy fat builds up around your organs rather than under your skin which happens during ‘normal’ weight gain. Slimming powers and weight loss products do not generally work on the fat built up around your organs.

However, there are some things you can do. For a start you could speak to your HIV doctor about changing the HIV treatments you are taking. Additional treatments are explained in detail in this previous question and in the lipodystrophy section of the i-Base guide to ‘Avoiding and managing side effects’


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Jean,

    Odimune is a generic version of Atripla. The most common side effects are discussed here:

    Info about starting meds can found here:

    Weight gain is now less common, however sometimes it does happen. With regards to yourself, I can’t say if you will or won’t gain weight, this is because how people react to meds varies. What’s important is that you’re on meds.

  2. Jean

    What are the side effects of Odimune? Can I gain weight on my tummy and breast when using odimune?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Roustan,

    When you say that your weight was better than it is now, what do you mean? How much weight have you lost?

    Do you know what your CD4 count is now? And you viral load? I’m asking because if you’ve been on meds since 2014 your viral load should be less than 50.

    With regards to your specific quesiton, what ARVs are you taking? What supplements are you wanting to take?

  4. Roustan

    I started using ARVs in 2014, at that time my CD4 was 343. My weight was better than what it is now. ,I asked the professional nurse about it and she told me that my viral load is bellow 90.

    When I asked her if I could buy some supplements in order I regain my weight back, said those same supplements might absorb my ARVs. Can I take supplements and ARVs?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Bathabile,

    As the above post explains there as some things that you can do to help the weight gain. Have you discussed chaining treatment with your doctor?

    Also, has the weight gain only been an issue since you began treatment?

  6. Bathabile

    I’ve gained weight around my stomach and breasts, I’ve tried all weight loss programmes.

  7. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Maria,

    What meds are you taking? What was your CD4 count when you started meds? If it was less than 200 then it may take longer to rise. Do you know what your viral load is?

    The weight gain may be due to the meds. This however is now less common. Therefore, it could be due to other reasons. Have you had any changes in life style since you started your meds?

  8. maria

    I need your help. I’ve been taking ARVs for 3months, but my CD4 hasn’t increased. Neither has it reduced. My stomach is growing big what should I do?

  9. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dandy,

    Please see the above post.

  10. dandy

    I have been taking arv’s since from 2005 I have a problem with my stomach its big and I have a buffalo hump and my hips and bums are smaller now I need help especially on my stomach


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