Q and A


Chances of infecting partner if I have an undetectable viral load?

I have been positive for three years now and started treatment two months ago. If my viral load is undetectable can I still infect someone? Are the chances of infecting my partner still the same if we had unprotected sex?


Thank you for your questions.

In 2018, the answer to your question is a clear “no”.

Having an undetectable viral load makes HIV untransmittable. The evidence for this is at this link:

This was already believed by some experts in 2008 (when this question was first answered). The statement on behalf of the Swiss Federal Commission for HIV and AIDS authored by four of Switzerland’s foremost HIV experts said that an HIV infected person on ART with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV through sexual contact. This information was published in the Bulletin of Swiss medicine in January 2008 was largely based on data from heterosexual sex.

See this factsheet on the Swiss Statement.

Note: This answer was updated in February 2018 from a question first posted online in February 2008.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thabo,

    Please see the above post and the following link:


  2. thabo

    If you’re positive and have an undetectable viral load is it OK to have sex without using protection?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Thoko,

    As long as you didn’t stop taking your meds, you’ll be fine. Having an operation won’t cause your viral load to change.

  4. thoko

    I had an ovary cyst operation done a few weeks ago, will this cause my viral load to become detectable?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Nelly,

    i-base advocates aren’t medical doctors, therefore I can’t say why its painful when you have sex. This is something that you will need to talk to your doctor about.

    With regards to transmission. If you’re on treatment and have an undetectable viral load, the risk is close to zero. Please see here for more info:


    If you aren’t on treatment, then if you have sex without a condom there is a risk that you will transmit the virus to your husband. Therefore, you will either need to tell him about your status, or continue using condoms.

    You’ve mentioned that you’ve not told your husband or your family. Are you able to talk to anyone? Are you able to get some support?

  6. Nelly

    My husband is negative and I’m positive. My whole family criticizes people who are positive. I can’t tell them my status. Will I affect him if we have unprotected sex?I have been using condom since June last year. But he isn’t comfortable. I just told him that my womb is painfully if I had unprotected sex, which is true. What causes my womb to be painful when we have sex?

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Nosneh. I am sorry you are having a rough time at home. Sometimes abusive relationships can work through issues and sometimes they can’t. You have one life but you have many choices. One is to try and change this person and the other is to be your own person and only be with people who respect you and treat you properly. i-Base is not a counselling or advice – we just provide information about HIV treatment – but we do understand how complex life can be. You have lead an amazing journey to come to overcome HIV and to have responded so well to HIV treatment. Please look for people who can support your during this difficult time. Perhaps health advisors or other HIV positive people who you can trust.

  8. nosneh

    I’ve been living with HIV for 12 years and am on ARvs. My partner is inhumane towards me as he keeps making derogatory comments esp when we fight. He is negative. How do i deal with this i am stressed

  9. Simon Collins

    Hi Ignatius, please see Q9 at this link:

  10. Ignatius

    Hi,i’ve been having unprotected sex for several time with my lady who is positive and at certain points had warts on organ en my lady she’s on treatment.how possible to get infected too.