Q and A


How accurate are rapid tests for HIV diagnosis?

Hi, I have been having sex with my girlfriend for the past year and a half. The first few times we had unprotected sex. After that we started using condoms for birth control. We continued to have oral sex often.

Recently my girlfriend developed an ulcer in the clitoris. She then checked and tested positive for HIV-1, by a TriDot test and also by western blot. I myself have tested negative by TriDot as well as by DNA amplification tests. How can i really be sure that i am negative? Should i be taking any prophylaxis?


The Tri-Dot test is a rapid HIV antibody test that is very accurate and sensitive at detecting HIV infection. Getting a negative result means that you are HIV-negative.

If you have been potentially exposed to HIV over the 3 months before taking the test – I don’t think this is the case because you have been using condoms – then you could confirm this with another test in three months.

Your girlfriend will now need to have other blood tests including a CD4 test to check whether HIV has damaged her immune system and whether she needs to start treatment, and a viral load test if this is available in your country. She should also see a doctor about the ulcer.

You do not need to take any prophylaxis treatment for your own health, but you will need to make sure you continue to use a condom during sex.

The following link show results that show that the TriDot test has over 99.9% reliability.


  1. Sam


    I had unprotected anal sex around 5 months ago. I got negative test after 1 month and 3 months. Both tests are Rapid Hiv. Since than I’ve no HIV symptoms but today I have fever. Do I need to go for any further test. I’m worrying so much and spend my most of the valuable time reading HIV articles. please let me know if i need to go for any further test.

  2. Simon Collins

    The clinic where you were tested should have more information about the local HIV services close to where you live. Part of HIV testing services should be to make sure that anyone who gets a positive result is given this information.

    Because I don;t know where you live, you have to find this information yourself. Another way is to call the closest hospital that tests for HIV and to ask there.

    When you get to speak to an HIV doctor, they will ask you to come for a few blood tests and to check your health. They should also be able to talk in more detail about your future care.

  3. marvin

    hi i’ve tested for hiv last year around november, yesterday i also went for a test again both test come positive what do i do from now

  4. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing, although because you used a condom you would not be at risk of HIV.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

    Most testing questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link:

  5. shirish

    I had not done vagina sex but I have done oral sex in Feb 2007 and i tested Elisa tri-dot test on 18 Dec 2008 , my tri-dot test comes non-reactive ,do u think that i have HIV? And when I tested my weight was 41 kg and now my weight is 65kg, please tell me is HIV transmitted through oral sex?

  6. Simon Collins


  7. viv

    i had unprotected sex with my girlfriend on 25/3/12. on 18/4/12 she was tested negative for hiv hep-b hep-c as routine annual employee examination. I got tested my self on 16/5/12 HIV negative with tridot. Hep-B I am vaccinated. Is this enough to rule out infection

  8. Angelina Namiba

    Hi Shane,

    I’m sorry but i-Base no longer answers individual questions about risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This service is based on information relating to treatment of people who are HIV positive.

  9. Shane18

    Hello sir, is it possible to attract HIV from putting on an old condom used by someone else? It was dried so it been washed and dried I guess. The girl was crazy.( long story) and is it possible from giving oral sex? I haven’t been tested yet.

  10. Rebecca McDowall

    I’m sorry that i-base no longer answer individual questions about the risks of HIV transmission or HIV testing.

    This is because information on both these subjects are now online in two resources:

    Your questions are already answered on the FAQ page:

    Also this detailed and easy to read guide: