Q and A


How accurate are rapid tests for HIV diagnosis?

Hi, I have been having sex with my girlfriend for the past year and a half. The first few times we had unprotected sex. After that we started using condoms for birth control. We continued to have oral sex often.

Recently my girlfriend developed an ulcer in the clitoris. She then checked and tested positive for HIV-1, by a TriDot test and also by western blot. I myself have tested negative by TriDot as well as by DNA amplification tests. How can i really be sure that i am negative? Should i be taking any prophylaxis?


The Tri-Dot test is a rapid HIV antibody test that is very accurate and sensitive at detecting HIV infection. Getting a negative result means that you are HIV-negative.

If you have been potentially exposed to HIV over the 3 months before taking the test – I don’t think this is the case because you have been using condoms – then you could confirm this with another test in three months.

Your girlfriend will now need to have other blood tests including a CD4 test to check whether HIV has damaged her immune system and whether she needs to start treatment, and a viral load test if this is available in your country. She should also see a doctor about the ulcer.

You do not need to take any prophylaxis treatment for your own health, but you will need to make sure you continue to use a condom during sex.

The following link show results that show that the TriDot test has over 99.9% reliability.


  1. kumar

    i had a protected sex with a sex worker in feb 2012. now (Sept) i got infected with herpes zoster. Since i m aged 24 it is rare chance to get herpes zoster. so i under gone tri dot test. it was negetive. but still i am worried about any chances of HIV. please inform me about relation between herpes zoster and HIV. Is there any need to test for HIV once again. please suggest me.

  2. Rebecca McDowall

    Hi Kabhi,

    The only way to know whether this is a false positive or an accurate result is to have a confirmation test. This should ideally be with a Western Blot test. More information can be found at the links posted in comments above.

  3. kabhi

    Dear Sir
    I have unsafe sex (one time) before 14 years. i check tridot test on 12 may 2012 (When my wife is pregnant of 8 months) its suspected positive, but in between 14 years i have no any symptoms or any other problem… My wife test is negative… I have relation with my wife From 4 years…. This is possible Tridot test give false Positive report…. is this possible i am surfing with HIV / aids and also my 2 months Baby and wife

  4. Rebecca McDowall


    It is possible that you may have been infected 12 years ago without having any symptoms. This is unusual but not impossible. You will know for sure when you get your Western Blot results.

    If your wife is HIV negative then your child will also be negative because HIV passes from mother to child, not from the father. Please follow this link to our testing guide for more information about testing and transmission.

  5. Ask24365

    Dear Sir
    I have unsafe sex before 12 years. i check tridot test before 3 month is is suspected positive & western blot test coming soon… is this possible i am surfing with hiv/aids
    and also my 2 months child (my wife test is negative)

  6. Rebecca McDowall

    If your last exposure was in January and you tested negative twice in June then you do not have HIV.

  7. kamal

    Good evening sir,
    i had unprotected sex with a gay in january,i dont know about his hiv status and later i was very tense because i am suffering from various symptoms,so i tested myself by tridot test in june 2 times ,both times came negative,but even also i am suffering from that thaught is there any chances of getting risk in future ,pls tell me reply i am not focusing on my education ,is i need any further test plz sir i beg you i am so tense because i am still suffering from symptoms,pls send me reply is this period is sufficient for me to confirm that i m hiv negative pls reply

  8. Rebecca McDowall

    If you have not had unprotected sex between January and your tests in June then you do not have HIV. Touching another man’s penis with yours is not a risk for HIV.

  9. ratnarajesh

    i was participated sex with a gay man in january 2nd 2012, in next month when i wathed all the symptoms in the website i got all those symptoms i feel very tense because i got so many symptoms ,so i tested tridot test in june 8th and in june 18 th 2012 both times came negative ,and one more important point is i touched the tip of my penis to another person penis pls tell me the answer am i need any further test because i am so scary but the other person is living very happily pls give me the answer plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  10. Rebecca McDowall

    If you tested negative at 1 month and 3 months you are negative.

    Our guide to HIV Testing and risks of sexual transmission guide has more detailed and easy to read information about these topics. It can be read online at this link: